
Belongings of a deceased child

Q: My six months old son passed away during his fifth surgery at the operation bed. I donated his medical equipment to the hospital and friends who were doctors to use them. But his clothes, feeders and cot, etc. are kept safe for future use. Do I need to distribute them in wirasat also? Is there wirasat of such children who pass away at an early age?



1.) Mother (82 years) passed away 4 months ago (no Father), her estate to be divided Islamically between 5 sons (3 physically and mentally challenged) and 2 daughters, 3 weeks ago 1 son passed away (disabled, no wife or children, age 62).

1. How must his share be divided or shared?

2. The mother requested verbally that if any of the diasabled pass away then that share must go to the other 2 disabled sons. Is this permissable? If yes how is the estate treated if all 3 disabled sons are deceased.

Holding back the rights of the heirs

Q: My husband died 2 years before and I have 2 very young age twins boys. I have nothing except my orphans. My in-laws are holding all my properties and telling everyone that they will return his properties after my boys adult hood when my boys will be independent. My question is what Islamic rules about widow who works very hard to raise her orphans empty handed. My in-laws don't do anything except backbiting and false accusations. They don't help us except hurting me. What Islam rules about my condition? My husband helped them a lot and made them rich and he didn't get anytime to do something for his wife and children because he died very early aged. My husband was very good Muslim and he died with cancer in 2015. What does Islam say? What about chapter 4, Surah Nisa? Please advise me.


Q: I am preparing my will. My dad is alive. I have 2 daughters, 1 son and a wife. Due to past family issues, my dad has entrusted me to 100% of the family business. In my heart and conscience 2/3 belongs to my two brothers. My brothers are not of stability. Presently I take care of all their requirements. Please advise how I would fulfill my obligations of inheritance.

Winding up an Estate

Q: My Father passed away recently and he did not have a will, he is succeeded by my mother, sister and my 3 brothers. He has said verbally what should happen to his estate but nothing in writing. Just wanted to know how do we sort out the estate?

Daughter intending to give her share of inheritance to her brothers

Q: If the father has not given the property to his children and his daughter said that she will give her share to her brothers, then before getting the property she changed that she will not give her share to her brothers. Then, she further changed that she will decide to give or not the property according to the situation when she will get her share. When she will get her share what should she do? Is it compulsory for her to give her share to her brothers or not? She changed her decision before becoming the owner of property. Guide me according to fiqh-e-Hanafi.


Q: My father past away in 2008. I have four sisters and I am the only son. My mother is still alive. I need to no how do we share inheritance of my father? He left one car and a house. The house they say it's half owned by my mother as my father bought the house and was bonded but now its freed. My mother was married in community of property. I have the car with me. Please advise what do I do and how do I pay my sisters out according to Sharia as my father did not have a will and my mother says she owns half the house.