
Abusive parent

Q: What are the obligations of a child to a parent who has emotionally abused their children and refuses to take responsibility or pay any bills relating to the children and household expenses? If this parent keeps late hours and is difficult to live with, can the children move out or make him move out (with the help of other relatives)? And will my lack of affection toward this parent ( my father) be a sin? I am afraid of him testifying against me on judgment day, but to be honest I feel life would be easier without him in my life. Am I evil for feeling this way? Please advise as I am very distressed about this.

Marital problems

Q: My mum got married to a divorced man 26 years back. Well my father now is 63 years old, talks to girls in front of my mum, give his card to them and asks them for dinner and has bad intentions which I can't even say. I am his daughter. We all know and I have myself saw him walking and touching ladies hands, gazing at them, watching porn videos and asking my mum to have anal sex. My father knows that Islam declared these thing haram but he does not have sense of it. He does not perform namaz. It seems that he is totally out of religion, he is a very very bad person. I don't even like him. Sometimes he says I will go out with girls have diner and will do anal sex when I get a chance. Many things I have herd myself. My mom says I spend my whole life with him bearing his bad words, abuses, his hand when he beats her, his belt etc, still he is like this as if she means nothing to him. He also makes fun of her. My mum is a sugar and blood pressure patient and sometimes she feels like her brain will burst. I love her and can't see her this way. My brothers are not helping mother and they are not interested. They shout at her. Only I am my mum's shoulder. Please tell me what should I and my mum do? It is getting out of control.

Assigning one's affairs to Allah Ta'ala

Q: I am working in Dubai, in a private company as an accountant. The company pays me less compared to my work and responsibility. As an accountant I should get much more as per UAE market. The owner of the company pays more in back hand to those staff who belong to his relatives or his group. I was watching all this things and finally I have decided to leave the company and start looking for a job. Al-hamdulillah finally I got a job. Now time to resign from this company and join the new company, I gave resignation letter and mentioned the reason being my family problems because I knew if I have said the original reason, they will never allow me to go. After my resign letter the owner of the company called me and miss behaved with me and then the owner with his son's assistance attacked me, he slap me, kick me in front of the office staff. Even they abused me, they used very bad words against my father. After the incident they threatened me that if I complain to police they would take action against my family in India (me and my owner  belong to the same area). I know they are very powerful and I can't do anything against them,they have very good relations in higher class people in UAE and I belong to middle class family. After the matter, I feel very sad. I am trying to forget but I can't. I can't sleep at night. I can't show my face to other staff. I feel very hurt. I hope you understand my situation. After that I have decided I can't get the respect which I have lost at that day. I can't get justice in this world. So I have decided to complain to Al Mighty Allah. Can you please explain to me what will the justice be for me according to Quran and Hadith so I can expect this justice from Almighty Allah in this world and Aakhirat also. Please explain.