
Going for hajj while paying off a mortgage

Q: I would like to go for hajj and we have enough money for my husband and I to go but we have a house mortgage that we took 7 years ago ( I understand it is not allowed to take interest based mortgage but I was then advised by a local Mufti Saheb in England that as there are no other options and I had been paying rent for so many years it would be permissible as not for business purpose and purpose is to live in the house). I do not have enough money to pay it off but have enough for hajj. It will take me at least another 5 years to pay the mortgage off. Do we need to postpone hajj and pay off the mortgage first or can we go for hajj first?

Is zakaat compulsory upon a person who is in debt?


1. Zaid bought a house on mortgage, he owes the bank a lot of money, about 70 thousand pounds, he has to pay at least 5 thousand pounds to the bank every year. Zaid has 5 thousand pounds savings in his account (kept the money for daily family usage) does he have to pay zakat on this amount (5 thousand pounds) at the end of the year because his debt is more than his savings?

2. Is there a difference of opinion amongst scholars regarding the above situation if zakat is fardh or not?

3. Will it be permissible for Zaid to take zakat money to pay of his mortgage to the bank? 


Q: I had three questions regarding interest:

1. Is a mortgage (on interest) permissible in Islam to purchase a family home?

2. If my parents are pressuring me into purchasing a family home through mortgage rather than renting, am I under obligation to listen to them?

3. If I make a total of the amount of interest my father pays on a regular basis with the intention of persuading him to reduce his loans, is this permissible, and would this be considered “recording interest” which is forbidden in hadith?


Q: My question is my father put the house in mortgage to the bank. One year later he passed away. The loan amount was equal to the house value. No money was paid back to the bank. The bank kept asking for money for several years and finally they sent a letter to possess and auction the property. We were about to lose the house. During that time I came to USA and was able to pay the bank and got the house back from the bank. I allowed my married sister to live on the 1st floor of the house for no rental money, since we all came to USA including my mom and 2 brothers. For few years my mom took the 2nd floor rental income. But after that my sister started to use the rental income for her family. She used the rental income for 20 years. My question is that when I paid for the house to the bank, does the house belong to me or it should be divided according to the Islamic law. I don't want to do injustice to any of my 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Please advise thank you.

Purchasing a house on mortgage

Q: I have a question that I personally don't have any house or any land in any of the countries. We always hate interest and never did any business or anything else where interest is present. Our income is 100% halaal with an office job. If I buy a house with a mortgage in Canada for personal living with the niyyat of paying it off as soon as possible (within 5,7 years), is it permissible?

Purchasing a house on mortgage

Q: About buying a house in the UK on interest (sood) mortgage. One mortgage is standard and one is Islamic. In stranded the bank will show you how much interest you will pay and in Islamic the bank will show you how much rent you will pay. But many people and Ulama say that Islamic mortgage is also same as standard mortgage. Because you want to buy house that you don’t want to pay rent to council or to the owner then why should you pay it to Islamic mortgage and one of my friends has spoken to a mortgage adviser about both mortgages and he said that both mortgages are the same, the only difference is in the name.


Q: I live in America, and it is impossible to buy a house here without a mortgage from the bank. The bank charges interest on the mortgage. Is it permissible to buy a house on mortgage?