Q: Is it mandatory to make sajdah-e-tilaawah when reciting one of the fourteen sajdah verses of the Qur'an?
Q: Is it mandatory to make sajdah-e-tilaawah when reciting one of the fourteen sajdah verses of the Qur'an?
Q: Is it mandatory to make sajda-e-tilaawat when reciting the 14 sajda verses of the Qur'an?
Please refer to the Sahih Hadith mentioned below which says it is optional. Narrated Rabi`a RA: `Umar bin Al-Khattab RA recited Surat-an-Nahl on a Friday on the pulpit and when he reached the verse of Sajda he got down from the pulpit and prostrated and the people also prostrated. The next Friday `Umar bin Al-Khattab recited the same Sura and when he reached the verse of Sajda he said, "O people! When we recite the verses of Sajda (during the sermon) whoever prostrates does the right thing, yet it is no sin for the one who does not prostrate." And `Umar did not prostrate (that day). Added Ibn `Umar "Allah has not made the prostration of recitation compulsory but if we wish we can do it." (Bukhari - Vol. 2, Book 19, Hadith 183)
Is it mandatory to make sajda-e-tilaawat when reciting the 14 sajda verses of the Qur'an?
Q: When reading Quran and we come across the line where it states (sajda), we have to close the quran and physically make sajda on the musallah. Is it compulsory to say Allahu Akbar and then go for sajda?
Q: If a woman in haidh heard a sajdah aayah, does she have to make sajdah when she becomes clean?
Q: I want to ask that while reciting the ayah in which sajdah is recommended we do sajdah. But when I remember one of these ayah I've to repeat them approximately 40 time. Do I have to do sajah 40 times or 1 time?
Q: Few days ago,an email was sent out regarding replying to a taped salaam. If it so, will it be necessary to make sajdah-e-tilaawat when heard over a cd? If not what is the difference between the two?
Q: If I have to perform three Sajdah-e-Tilaawat, when I'm performing the sajdahs must I make intention that the first sajdah is for the first of the three sajdah Ayats which I read?
Q: I am a Hanafi. I like to recite Surah al Alaq and Surah Inshiqaq in my nafl salaats daily. Kindly guide me regarding the correct way of performing the sajda-e-tilaawat during salaah?
Q: When you read a Surah and you reach a place where you have to do sajdah, is it obligatory and is it a sin if you don't do it? Because if you are reading it by heart in bus or public places how will you do it?
Q: During which times of the day is it impermissible to perform previous sajdah-e-tilaawah?