
Marrying a non-Gujraati boy

Q: A friend states the following problem he is in. He has been in contact with a girl for just under two years. The girls parents agree for them to make nikaah but the girl's granny (daadi) refuses for it to happen since the boy is not Gujraati speaking, he is from an Urdu background. The granny has brought numerous guys to view the girl despite her not agreeing. So the father of the girl is trapped between his daughter and his mother. She also says that it is not jaaiz for the two since he is from a lower cast and what will her family say to them. My friend wants to make nikaah with the girl and she is afraid of marrying another person since she has opened up herself to him and he is the only guy she has been in contact with. So she cannot get into nikaah with someone else because she will fall into haraam with this guy again. Please advise should the guy's family approach the girl's family for a nikaah?