

Q: Every time after passing urine, urine drops come out after 5 to 10 minutes. Before I used to use tissue before I perform wudhu. Due to long time use of tissue I got itching on my private part. Please tell me solution.

Cleaning thoroughly in istinja

Q: I passed stool and made istinja and I checked with tissue there was no impurity then i did wudhu and I felt there is some impurity but I did not clean it as I was not sure about it. I offered namaz in this condition and after namaaz I checked so there was impurity. Then I cleaned it off and I did wudhu and offered namaaz again. Now I am very worried that as I had offered naamaz with impurity so my Imaan lasts or not? Do I have to do ghusal? I recited Kalima shareef and made tauba but still I am so worried. Please guide.

Installing urinals on one's premises

Q: My father built a new building for his business; I noticed that urinals were installed in the employee bathrooms. When I asked my father, he said that not everyone is a Muslim and that these urinals are for his non-Muslim employees.

1. Is it permissible to install urinals in one's office building, supermarket, shop etc.?

2. Is it permissible for a Muslim plumber to install a urinal?

Urine drops

Q: Every time I urinate and take taharah, I feel there are few drops which get discharged, will that make my wudu (ablution) null and will I not be in the state to offer salah?