
Wasaawis and doubts

Q: My question is regarding istinjaa and relieving oneself/washing etc. I suffer from a lot of doubts and Alhumdullilah by the will of Allah I am trying to get rid of them. I have a lot of doubt and worry however when going to the bathroom and have a couple of questions: 

1. After completely squeezing and wiping urine from my private part I use water to wash as well. sometimes when washing I see that a very tiny droplet of water has touched the hair of my thigh and i start pouring water there and on the other thigh and start to get obsessive, this is starting to affect my skin also. Is this water that touches my private part after completely impure? (this is when washing after completely squeezing all urine drops off and wiping with toilet paper)

2. After passing stool, because of my doubt I do not know if I am clean an end up looking at the tissue after wiping to see if there is any stool on it. Sometimes when looking as well I see a tiny black dot which could be thread from underwear, or hair even some skin maybe and I carry on washing and wiping wasting toilet paper and water. How many times does a person need to wash before becoming clean? 

Please advise as these doubts trouble me and I end up pouring water over the taps and jugs messing the bathroom as I think my finger touched there or some water touched my finger and this might have messed somewhere else.


Q: In toilet or istinga we should use lumps of earth 3 times or 1 or 5. And we heard that the method of using earth is different for cold season and warm season. In cold season the prostrate glands are compressed so first earth should be pushed from front to back and second from back to front and third from front to back and in hot season as to prostrate glands are loosen so you should use conversely. Is it related to sunnah.

Istinja after relieving oneself

Q: When I go to the toilet, I find it hard to wash my hands. I soap them then put them under the tap. Once all the soap is off I think the water on my wrist is impure still so I wash my arm from the elbow to finger tips and I keep doing that and still I have a feeling that my hands are impure even if I've urinated or past stool still I wash my hands like this and I use wet toilet paper 3 times instead of istinja.