
Reciting an amal during haidh

Q: A few weeks back my father met a Moulana, who gave him an amal to perform for solution to any problems.

Starting on a Thursday night either after Maghrib or Esha salaah, without communicating with anyone, one should recite the following 11 Durood before and after 70 X Surah Fatiha on Thursday and should be decreased by 10 each day thereafter. The amal should be repeated for 5 weeks without any breaks.

I would like to that during the period that a female experiences her menses, does she stop performing the amal during the time and restart on the first Thursday after she becomes paak or can she continue performing the amal.


Q: I read somewhere that doing the following Amal can break any black magic spells,

• Take a glass of water

• Recite darood sharif 11 times

• Recite bismillah hir rahmaan nir raheem 487 times

• Recite darood sharif 11 times (again)

• Blow 3 times on water and drink (Or give to someone affected to drink)

If you see bright whiteness then it means that the magic got extinguished. Just like water extinguishes fire. Is this Amal valid? Can I rely on this Amal?