
Marital problems

Q: My mother often spoke some harsh things to my wife. I came to know these things from my wife later. What should I do in this case? As far as I know I can't not tell my mom that you are doing wrong. Please tell what should I do?

2. I and my wife decided that my Sala (wife's brother) will remain with me , but my mother told me don't do this. This is a wrong decision. In this case, what should I do?

Mother ill treating one

Q: I am divorced and have been living with my mother for the past 10 years. I have always been working and supported her for all that time. But last year for 8 months I was unemployed. And for this reason my mother did not provide me with food. I was also not allowed to bath. I suffered a lot but I never said anything or complained. By my second night without food all I could think about was filling my tummy. I went to the neighbour and asked her for a slice of bread. I went home that night and cried. But I didn't cry for me. I cried for those that didn't have a neighbour they could go to. It was a very difficult time for me, but Alhamdulillah Allah carried me through. I have accepted that it was a test from Allah and it has brought me closer to Allah. But what I do struggle with is the fact that my mother found it in her heart to do that to me. I have conflict within myself and I'm trying to let go of that feeling. How do I let it go and stop thinking about it. Also understand that as old as I am (41) I have never uttered a rude word or harmed my mother in any way. I always remain quiet when she for some reason is upset with me. That is why I am struggling to understand and accept her behaviour.