
Working for a bank

Q: My cousin has done diploma in civil engineering. Recently he got a job in a bank, where his duty includes monitoring the construction, maintenance and repair of bank's buildings. Is his income halaal or haraam? Can I eat something he offers when I visit his place?

Income of an insurance agent

Q: My husband works as an insurance agent. If he invests his earnings in a business or buys a house to give on rent. Then is the profit acquired from such business or the rent got from the house going to be halaal for us. If not then why, because we are all depending on him? Please answer in the light of Quran and Hadith.

Working for an Islamic Bank

Q: I was a Bank Manager in a Conventional Bank. I left the Bank after Allah Ta'ala blessed me with His guidance. Immediately after I left my Bank job, I got an offer from a person which was very good, almost too good to be true. I joined this person but as the days passed, all my savings from my previous Job were taken from me and I was left with nothing. Thereafter I remained jobless for almost 7 months after which I received an offer from a former acquaintance and I accepted. That job related to IT software very new to me but I managed to learn and work. After 4 years, the business turned bad and the company was dissolved. Now, I'm jobless again. Many people want me to join an Islamic Bank but I'm not sure if it is Islamic at all. I'm afraid that if I join the same sector, Islamic or otherwise, all the hardship I went through to get away from "Riba" would be useless. Please guide me about an Islamic Bank. Should I join?

Working for Uber Eats

Q: I am a student who wishes to take up a job with Uber Eats. The job is basically to deliver food which can include haraam food and even alcohol. Uber pays an hourly rate for the delivery service. Is this job permissible?