
Showing good character

Q: I have my friend from France and he asked me this question:

His father was a Catholic before, and now he's a Muslim. When his father was a Catholic, he was a good leader to them but when he became a Muslim, he is always angry at them even though they don't do bad things. My friend said that he always crys because before they were happy and full of love but now his father is always mad at their mom. Their mom is always getting hurt by him. My friend wants to know if this has anything to do with Islam?

Teaching Qur'an

Q: I want a detailed explanation in my matter. From past years, in my society there has been a rise in women opening Madrasah related courses in their houses where they teach Qur'an translation to regional language, tafseer, ahaadith etc. but their is no merit set for women to confirm to who wish to teach such courses, they don't acquire approval before starting teaching from a recognised Aalim. Any lady who does the translation once begins to teach. I don't see any women tutor around having a sound knowledge of the Qur'an that they teach and so whatever they have learned from a local madarasa is what they dictate to others. There is no merit level set for their worldly education and also their religious education (apart form having done a translation themselves once) and such madarasa are continuously rising in number. They don't follow a single translation but every madarasa teaches a different translation from among those made available to them by their teachers. Moreover, their is no merit set for students to confirm to who wish to begin learning translation, young girls aged below 10 are learning translation whether they go to school or not and they are quite in number. I just want to know is their any merit in real for a teacher to approve to before beginning teaching and a student to approve to before joining learning?

Teaching online

Q: I plan to teach online using platforms such as Blabelia and Blabmate. I need the Shar'ee instructions for the following:

1) Uploading a photo? Should I or should I not? Though its a requirement, yet I feel hesitant to upload my photo.

2) Teaching online- might involve - males and females as there is not control over it. So what should I do or write on my profile that is not discriminatory as I want to teach males only?

3) If in case, I end up finding females in my online classes, what should I do? Should I teach them? How? Apart from that are there any sharia rules that apply?