
Wearing niqaab with decorations


1) Are women allowed to wear niqaab with long flaps and also have decorations on it?

2) Is it permissible to get a piercings on the top part of your ear?

3) If a burqa I've been performing salaah with is only see through in the sun, will salaah be permissible and do I have to make qadha of the salaahs that were performed?

4) Is is correct for women to walk a distance to attend the weekly community ta'leem?

Living in a country that bans Hijaab


1. Can a Muslim live in a country that bans Hijaab in public (Like France).

2. According to Sheikh Awlaki, a Muslim cannot live in a non-Muslim country unless the person is involved in: - Propagating Islam, and practices it freely - Doing business - Seeking knowledge The above are short term interventions, but a Muslim cannot live there forever. Is this correct?

3. Is it true that a Muslim ruler cannot permit the propagation of any other religion other than Islam? Further, temples should be destroyed by a Muslim ruler?

Family criticizing one for wearing hijaab

Q: I'm a 19 year old from Pakistan. Two years ago I started to wear the hijab and the burqa. My mother passed away when I was 9 and so I look up to my aunt for all the girly stuff. Everyone admired me when I started wearing the head cover and the burqa except my aunt. According to her I'm overdoing it; she gave me her example that she wears the hijab and burqa when shes driving alone, but she doesn't wear it when she is out with her husband ( her husband does not like hijab at all) she does not even wear the head cover in public gatherings or parties where the place is filled with non-mahrams. According to her, this is neutral and the way it is supposed to be. I wear hijab anywhere I go and do not take it off no matter what and she knows that too. She claims that I wear hijab just for looking cool. Wallahi I wear hijab for the sake of Allah and to please my Lord. And then she asks me to wear hijab in some other ' appealing style ' which requires me to raise the backside of my head and to reveal my forehead. My aunt used to wear burqa and hijab when she used to work. I also want to practise the niqab because I don't like the way how men eat up a woman by their stares and they do not spare a woman whose in hijab and burqa. But she says that I'm not religious enough to practise it. My other aunty calls me a 'laloo kheti' ( a term used in urdu to define a person who belongs from the lower class). I am really heart broken. My confidence is shaken. Why do people say stuff to me like that. I wear hijab the way it is supposed to be. It covers the bossom. And it covers my forehead as well. Please help me. And she also claims that I don't want you two sisters to have such an appalling difference (my sister who is 13 doesn't cover her head and hardly carries a duppatta and prefers to untie her hair every time) my aunt likes the way how my sister carries herself and she says that I look outdated in front of her and that shouldn't be the way. Please help me sir.

Wearing Hijaab

Q: I live in Norway and go to school there. I have worn the hijab for about 5 years now. Some days are easier then others and I feel the hijab is the best choice. But now it is restricting me from so many things here and it is attracting many comments both from believers and non believers. My question is, is it valid for me to wear it even though I don't want to. Is hijab a fard for a Muslim woman, even if I would dress modestly? I need some guidance towards this. May Allah help us all!

Hijaab in front of non-Muslim women

Q: Please advise if necessary to wear hijaab in front of non-Muslim females. Verse in surah noor refers to "their women" is this interpreted as Muslim women? Also, why are slaves mahram? Is this only slaves who are old? Kindly provide full explanation of the verse. Lastly, should we maintain hijab in front of male mahrams who are non-muslims?