
Discussing subjects contrary to Islam with a non-Muslim

Q: I was having a conversation with a non-Muslim acquaintance, and she was talking about her belief which had stuff to do with energy and spiritual stuff. And she was talking about things contrary to Islam but I did not clearly state 'you are wrong, I believe the complicit opposite, etc..." because she is very into being accepting and to me it seemed that telling her she was wrong and so on, right then and there, when she doesn't know much about Islam would turn her away from Islam and make her think is was a harsh religion.

Note that I am not apologetic about Islam in any way, I just did not want her to turn away from Islam before she understood what is was about. Is staying quiet like this a sin? Even though she knows that I am Muslim and do not share her beliefs, if I don't refute them out loud, is it sinful?

Also, occasionally I would shake my head or say yes when she was speaking, not as a way of agreeing with what she says but rather as a way to show I understood what she was saying. As I said, she knows I am Muslim and have different beliefs. Is this a sin? Would this take me outside of Islam?

I met with a second time, and once again I did not outright refute her when she talked about beliefs and I did not feel confident about giving her dawah as I feel I do not have enough knowledge to speak, and I am generally very inarticulate so instead I gave her a book on the introduction to Islam. Is this right?

Husband not allowing children to visit their non-Muslim grand-mother

Q: I am a revert alhumdulilah. I am in a dilemma regarding visiting my mother who is Hindu. My husband does not allow my kids to visit her because she has a temple in her yard. It's not like the kids play outside. My family has a lot of respect that I am a Muslim and they have never forced us into doing anything unlawful or haram. My mother is now heartbroken as she can't be with her grandchildren and I feel bad visiting her without the kids. Her tears are haunting me. I know that a mother holds Jannat under her feet and to make a mother cry is the biggest sin. I can't take this anymore I'm miserable and how do I earn Jannat one day in sha Allah if my mother is hurt. So please advise as I can't hear or see my mother cry anymore.

Giving dawah to non-mahrams

Q: I am a teen at the age of 17 and I am wondering if it is permissible for me to give Dawah to a non-mahram female. So I can keep in contact and choose her for marriage when Im ready. As of now I have made no absolute contact with her or exchange of words. 

Non-Muslims entering Musjids


1. Are non-Muslims allowed in masjids? Can Non-Muslims be invited into the masajid by Muslims?

2. Can non-Muslims enter into Makkah or Madinah or the Haram boundaries?

3. Can we invite non-Muslims to our house for lunch/dinner or their bad company could affect our Iman as well? Can we be friends with non-muslims?

Bequest of a non-Muslim

Q: I would like to know the ruling on wills from non-Muslim parents. I understand that one cannot recieve any money or possessions stipulated in the wills of non-Muslim parents unless it is less than 1/3, but if the will stipulated that the living parent gives the money or possessions throughout the life until it is paid is that permissible?

Hazrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) differentiating between Muslims and non-Muslims

Q: I want to know about Hazrat Umar's (radhiyallahu anhu) pact which is given in Tafseer Ibn Kathir. It is mentioned that he made some conditions for Zimmis that they should not build any worshipping area and they should wear different clothes, etc. I read that some scholars don't think it is accurate. What is your stance?