
Cosmetic surgery

Q: I have a question regarding cosmetic procedures... I know they are not allowed in Islam, however are they allowed when somebody's appearance has changed due to heavy black magic/Jinn? My skin has become very dark on my face, patches of black marks everywhere, hair loss, loss of so much weight due to constantly vomiting (no medical cause) features have become so manly due to this. I'm only 26 years of age but even my teeth are breaking. I've had 5 teeth which have been broken by just chewing normal food in one year (again no medical cause) and its not because i ate too many sweets. I don't want to do this for cosmetic reasons it's just black magic has already destroyed my appearance so much to the extent I'm scared my husband will desire and go to other women. Even me and my husband have sihr of seperation.. my niyat for thinking of cosmetic surgery is just to rectify what has been changed due to the sihr. Not change anything in any other way but just rectify to it's original state. 

Nose surgery

Q: I have a very wide nose. Whenever I look at my nose I feel stressed and low confidence when meeting with people. My intention is not to look beautiful but I just want to get confidence. Can I undergo nose surgery to make my nose little smaller.

Nose surgery

Q: My question is regarding septo-rhinoplasty. I have a deviated septum and outwardly the left nasal bone is wider then the right, giving an unpleasant appearance to the left side of the nose. This causes psychological distress and the deviated septum causes left side to be blocked, i.e there isn't full flow of air at certain times. The doctor said he will correct the deviation and will make the left nasal wide making it more natural and even. Along with this the nose will be defined and reduced in size in very conservative manner. I believe when they reduce left nasal bone to balance with the rest of face and make it look normal it would need to be defined to give normal appearance. Is it permissible?

Doing plastic surgery to straighten the nose

Q: My daughter has a strange nose. It is very asymmetrical where one side is bigger, wider and a different shape. It does not bother her or cause her physical harm and she is unaware due to young age but I fear when she does realise this defect. I contemplate would she be able to do plastic surgery in order to correct this and if not, what actions should I take so that she does not feel insecure?

Gynecomastia surgery

Q: I have been diagnosed with gynecomastia, an abnormal condition where a male develops breast tissue. It is a very noticeable condition that has caused me great psychological and mental pain. I am constantly worried about hiding this from people to prevent the embarrassment and jokes. I am not overweight and have been to the doctor for this diagnosis. What is the ruling on using surgery to correct this? I am a religious person who does his best to abide by the rules of Allah. Please advise. I can provide further info if needed.