
Repenting for committing zina

Q: I am 36 and single. I wont get married because of few reasons.

1. Wherever we take a proposal it gets rejected

2. I am not finding a suitble girl. Some of them are over age or not good looking

3. My parents also showing lack of interest.

Unfortunely i had commited zina and im doing it whenever i want to do as i had no guilt for it. Im not going to go for marriage and i want to carry on like this. Here two questions i have for you

1. Are my parents are also in trouble and answerable to Allah?

2. I pray, fast, respect and look after my parents. I dont do any other sins except zina as im following every teaching if islam. Do you thnk i'll go to hell for this zina and there is nothing left for me in the aakhirat?

Nikaah in the state of janaabat

Q: I had zina with a girl (both of us are unmarried) right 1 hour before our Nikah, we didnt got time to take a bath and we completed our nikah like that only. Is my nikah valid or invalid? Should I have to do again nikah with her?

Important Note: The girl had zina with a person long time ago in her teenage years, in her past...and she repents it. After that I had married her. 

Father committing zina with niece

Q: My father is in a relationship with his brothers daughter (which is haraam). We came to know this two years back...when we confronted him...he left us...he is not ready to leave her...he is committing zina. Last two years he is not in contact with anyone from the family...in these circumstances what is to be done? Is the nikaah still valid between my mother and father? When he left he said that he will send papers to my mother...but till today there is no single word from my father... He is not accepting halal relationship?