
Bees rakaat taraweeh

Q: Kya taraweeh bees rakat Huzoor (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) se sabit he ya Hazrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) se? Lowg kehte he ke bees rakat taraweeh to Hazrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) ke dor se unhone shuru karaai. Aap is ke mutalik kya jawaab he?

Mistakes in taraweeh salaah

Q: With regards to Taraaweeh:

1. An Aayah was recited correctly. The Imaam thereafter repeated the Aayah and changed it (incorrectly) due to some doubt. Is the initial correct recitation or the second recitation which was incorrect taken into consideration? Does the Aayah have to be repeated?

2. For the purpose of listening to the Luqmah of a Saami', the Imaam remained silent for the duration of 3 Subhaanallaah or more (he did not recite Qiraat for that duration). Should Sajdat-us-Sahw be made?

3. Additionally, if a person because of some disturbance missed an Aayah in Surah Faatihah, or one sentence in his At-Tahiyyat, does he have to make Sajdatut-us-Sahw? To what extent is the Surah Faatihah and At-Tahiyyat Waajib? 

Performing salaah in the musjid before going to the taraaweeh venues

Q: In the month of Ramadhaan, there are many jamaats for Taraaweeh salaah in our area. Taraaweeh salaah is performed in homes, garages, factories, etc.

Certain people do not perform the Esha salaah in the musjid, but rather perform it at the venue where they perform the taraaweeh salaah. As soon as the time of Esha enters, they perform their Esha salaah and then commence their Taraaweeh salaah. In our area, the musjid is close to the venues of these taraaweeh jamaats.

Is it correct for the people to perform their Esha salaah in the taraaweeh venues or should they perform their Esha Salaah in the Musjid and thereafter proceed to their taraaweeh venues?

Hafiza leading other women in Salaah

Q: In beheshti zewar it is mentioned that for a lady to be the Imam with another lady muqtadi is makrooh-e-tahrimi. A hafiza wants to make her Khatam in taraweeh Salaah in Ramadan, but her dohr is not strong and she needs someone to correct her mistakes. Will it still be makrooh for her sibling to read with her and correct her mistakes?