
Cleaning the blood and pus after bursting a pimple


1. Is it necessary to wash the area from where a blackhead is removed?

2. I often get pimples on my face and other parts of my body I heard that the pus that comes out of the pimple is impure, does it means that I have to wash the area after it came out or just remove it with the help of tissue paper? If it is necessary to wash then if a pimple burst on my right cheek or forehead, how to wash it (just put some water on that area or to wash my whole face). 

3. Sometime blood also comes after the pus and after it stops a white water like fluid comes out what is ruling about it? Do I have to wash it or just use tissue paper to remove it?

4. Often pimple burst while taking ritual bath (Ghusal) What to do then? Sometimes blood or pus takes a lot of time to stop i.e. it keeps coming out in small amounts, what to do then?

Small white pimples

Q: Sometimes I have these white things on my face, like bubbles with white pus inside. They come for few days and go. What I noticed happening is some of them I see before sleeping and not anymore when I make wudu for fajr.

1. Does it mean they exploded during a night, because obviously then cant dry and fall out as a dry skin during a night and does it mean my pillowcase has to be changed, my face and hair has to be washed, is it all najasa?

2. I think many people can have them in different places of their bodies, back, leg, hips, etc. do we have to check and track their condition all the time to see if we r in najasa or can just forget in shaa Allah? Example I had a pain on my back knowing its from a red spot that can have pus in it, must I stand and check if there is a pus in the middle of a nap to see what is the condition in the morning, should I bath or no if I see no pus in the morning?

3. Does explosion of this pus break wudu?

4. Sometimes this pus inside is not liquid but hard, may be its other kind of spots, I don’t know, but would like to ask if I scratch that hard ball (pus) out of its place, does wudu break?