
Women visiting the graveyard

Q: I need to know. Can a woman go to the graveyard for ziyaarat? Did Hazrat Aaisha (Radiyallahu Anha) go to the graveyard for ziyarat of her brother. First Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said don't go and the he said you can go to Aaisha (Radiyallahu Anha). Can you please explain me about women and children going to the graveyard.

Burying the deceased in a land without the permission of the owner

Q: A close relative passed away about six weeks ago. He was buried in a grave allocated by the burial service and administrators of the grave yard. I was recently approached by a friend and was told that it was a private grave which was paid for by their family and I was asked if it was possible to move the marhooms body to another grave. I find this very difficult. Please advise urgently.

Questions relating to the graveyard


1. Can I recite darud sharif while walking through a non-muslim cemetery?

2. Can muslim sister allowed to visit there parents grave once a week, every week?

3. Are we allowed to grow small plants on our parents grave?

4. Are we allowed to put fresh flowers on our parents grave?

5. Are we allowed to clean and tidy someone grave next to our parents grave?

6. Are we allowed to play any surat on our phone at the grave of our parents?

7. Are we allowed to put extra soil on top of the grave, because original has sank down?

8. My parents grave soil is flat, but I see some grave soil is shape like dome are we allowed to do that?

9. I heard that on Thursday maghrib time the dead person's rooh comes home till Friday. Is this true?