Sending Jumuah Mubaarak messages
Q: Is it permissible to say Jummah Mubarak and to send text messages including this every Friday?
Q: Is it permissible to say Jummah Mubarak and to send text messages including this every Friday?
1. When I start sleeping then in the beginning I don't sleep completely and some sexual things flash in my mind and some mazi comes out so this would be counted as wet dream? I am sure that I didn't have any vaginal throbbing nor did my heart beat get fast, so do I have to make ghusl?
2. When I woke up then I remember having a wet dream but there was no wetness nor mani or mazi but there was very little spot on my clothes which was looking like regular white discharge, so should I make ghusl?
Q: My friend does zina with someone and after that she got pregnant. In the mean time she got married to another boy, not the boy whose the father of the baby. She did not know that she was pregnant. Is this nikah jaiz in Islam?
Q: Is it permissible to claim from the Road Accident Fund?
Q: My question is I’m getting my nikaah done in dec and might get rukhsti in 2019. My question is how long it is allowed to keep a nikah before rukhsti any specific time period. Because I heard we cannot keep nikaah more than a year rukhsti should be done before a year.
Q: I want to ask a question on behalf my mum, who seeks to annul her marriage to my father. He refuses talaq, yet he does not support her and he lives in another town, he does not support me or my sister, but that is not the main issue, my mum is his second wife. His first wife passed away recently. He does not contact my mum but he does to come to 'visit', and he stays at his other sons house, and not by mum. For no apparent reason. My mum has supported us her entire life alone. She has never commited adultery or anything like that. She does require a divorce because he is neglecting his responsibilities to her. Please can you advise, or ask me for more clarity if you need to know anything more about this. Your assistance will help us a lot.
Q: My muslim friend wants to get married to an atheist guy from thailand. My friend said that she will mary him after he converts to Islam. But the atheist guy said that he only will convert to Islam because he wants to marry her not because he believes in Islam. Is this marriage haram? Shall I try to stop my friend from marrying this atheist guy?
Q: I have got a gift from an atheist guy. The gift is deer meat that he hunted from the woods. Is it haram to eat from the deer meat that the atheist guy had given me as a gift? And is it haram to eat any king of food from atheists? Food like pies, fruits, rice, etc?
Q: I have married with a non-muslim girl but now she is muslim. She accepted islaam but when I mary her she was already married with a non muslim man. In this condition my marriage is halal or haraam?
Q: Regarding the fasts of Aashura, I came across an article that states: In fact Hafiz Ibn Hajar (rahimahullah) states: Fasting on the ninth, tenth and eleventh of Muharram is on the highest level of preference. (Fathul Bari, under Hadith: 2000) Is this correct? Can it be practised?