Marrying a Shia

Q: I am a sunni girl, Sayyed by cast and got a proposal from a Khoja Shia non Sayyed boy.

My question is, is it ok to get married into a Shia family? If so, what is the right way to do nikaah? Should it be done both ways? 

Playing games that contain blasphemy

Q: While playing video games, if the character we are playing utters or does something blasphemous, do we lose our imaan.

1. Does blasphemous talk involve Christians cursing too?

2. What is the definition of blasphemy?

3. What if while playing a game, I accidentally chose a character whose dialogue is known to have blasphemy in it. But, during the entire duration of the play, that character did not say any such thing. However, since I know that the character says such things in other instances of the game (even though those instances did not come when I was playing), I am now worried about my imaan.

Would my imaan be in danger because of this and will I have to redo my nikah?

Obligation of zakaat and qurbaani if one has a share in a property

Q: My father passed away in 2021 and, we, the heirs (mother, and 3 brothers, all adults) inherited property and cash as per shariah.

1.The cash was given by us to our mother. We made her the owner of that cash.

2. The property inherited (2 x 5 marla plots) are combined property of our mother and 3 brothers, the net worth of shares is above the nisaab.

Our mother pays yearly zakat as well as Qurbaani.

The question, Is it compulsory for us 3 brothers to pay zakat and qurbaani, provided that our indiviual monthly incomes/savings are less than the amount of nisaab (cannot even buy or share an animal for sacrifice and neither of us can move/sell, the shares of property, or use for any business means). Will zakat and Qurbani be applicable on this sort of shared property?