No inclination after istikhaara

Q: I did istikhara for three consecutive days but I am unable to determine what is the outcome of this. I didnt experience any dream at all and neither do I feel my heart inclined to a particular outcome or decision. How to judge what is Allah's suggestion in such a situation? Should I ask someone else to do istekhara for me and believe in the outcome and do accordingly? I did istekhara to seek Allah's suggestion for a marriage proposal.

Vomiting several times in small amounts

Q: I have read in Bahashti Zewar that vomit that does not equal a mouthful is not regarded as impure in Shariah but if a person vomits small quantities several times and these small quantities together equal a mouthful then it will be regarded as impure. I have also read on the internet (I'm not sure how reliable the following information is) that if a person vomits small quantities several times for the SAME REASON then if together it equals a mouthful, it will be regarded as impure.

1. My question is that if a child vomits up a small quantity of milk while burping after feeding and this happens every time after feeding that a little milk is brought up while burping the child (as usually occurs with babies) then will it be regarded as impure as this is happening for the same reason (burping) and after a very lengthy period, if a person had to add up all these tiny amounts it will eventually add up to a mouthful?

2. Will the same ruling apply to an adult who sometimes when burping after eating, a tiny amount of food is brought up or a small amount of bitter saliva that doesn't equal a mouthful but if after a couple of days it is added up, it will equal a mouthful?

Bank related questions


1. I have a question regarding banking. If the bank gives you $200 credit in your account for opening a new account and then charges $35.00 for bank fees every month. Is it permissible to use that $200 to pay their fees? If not, what is the correct approach to take? Should a person try to refuse taking that money or take it and give it to Sadaqah without intention of sawab? 

2. If the bank offers you a free service such as a safety deposit box for having a certain type of account is it permissible to take advantage of that? 

3. Also, is it permissible to use points earned on credit card spending to pay fines, speeding tickets, taxes etc?

4. If a person forgets to make a payment and the credit card company charges a late fee or interest. Is it permissible to use the point to pay for such fees?

Imagining what Allah Ta'ala looks like

Q: I want to know when thinking of Allah and imagining He is watching me what do I picture in my head. Sometime's I start imagining how Allah looks and quickly think of something else because I think it's from shaytaan. Also when Allah says in the Quraan majeed that He is near us does it mean Allah is literally right by us or is watching us from His arsh. 

Hatred for one's mother

Q: Will I be cursed or saved from some difficulties in life if I can't forgive my mother? She already passed away several years ago but still I can't forget those times when she was alive that she never made me feel that she loved me, what I felt and feel right now is still HATRED from her, I'm even kind of happy when she passed away because she never made me happy, she always scolded me and more, I have 5 siblings and what she treat others is not the same on how she treated me. It's unfair for me and that's one of the reasons why I felt hatred for her. What I always heard about Islamic lectures is forgive your parents, love your parents especially your mother.

Cutting hair and nails during haidh

Q: Please advise regarding the following:

1. Is it permissible to cut nails and hair during menstrual period? Elders say to keep it safe until haidh/nifas period is over and to wash it off after that and to bury it. 

2. Is there any specific dua in Qur'an or hadees to change the husband into obedient slave of Allah (because he is not convinced of Allah's wrath if he commits zina after marriage. He refuses to stop contacts with a Christian lady over social media saying that theirs was and will be pure frienship. But I knew few months back that they committed zina several times and continuing contacts even after she married another guy). I wish Allah will change him one day eventhough I know very well that he is very much addicted to her. It was his main hobby to chat with strange girls and became close to them. He isnt stopping it after our marriage. He isnt serious about life after death. I dont want him to die as a person who committed zina. I love him sincerely eventhough I wished and prayed before nikaah that the person who marry me will be a religious guy who is concious of deen. My family will consider me as a burden if I become a divorcee, even if I struggled alot and have valid reasons to seek divorce.

Ma'zoor due to passing wind

Q: I am having a problem of passing wind. For one salah I make 4-5 times wudu because of this problem.

1. My question is that am I considered a mazoor?

2. If a person had said his salah when he is continuously passing wind and after some time of completion of his salah if he got rid of gaseous problem and salah time was there should that person repeat salah?