Zakaat on a plot of land
Q: I have a plot for investment purposes worth 70 lac rupees. How much zakat do I have to pay on it?
Q: I have a plot for investment purposes worth 70 lac rupees. How much zakat do I have to pay on it?
Q: There was 1 drop of urine on my toilet seat and I first dried the seat then poured water from the jug carefully over the seat, while pouring the jug of water over the seat, some water leaked off the seat to the sides and down to the floor. Was this water that leaked najis? And also someone stepped on that water and walked across the house. Is the carpet in the house najis?
Q: I am reading the kitaab (Handbook to a healthy Muslim marriage) after learning the fiqh of nikaah.
I'm on page 236... its explained that when a husband divorces his wife, he should provide parting gifts to his wife e.g. a set of clothing. It is the first time I'm hearing of this hence..
My question is, does this happen in our South African community and is the above also known as Mahr Mithal. My Apa taught us about Mahr Mithal from Behishti Zewar.
Q: My cousin swear to husband that if you do not follow my 2 instructions, I will be your sister. So now the issue is resolved and the instructions were not followed. Is it ok to live with the husband?
Q: I am a girl from Pakistan. My name is Ashna, and I personally do not like it. It is not a religious name, but that is not the reason why I do not like it. I simply do not like the way it sounds or the way it looks. Can I change my name with my parents' permission? Or will it be considered showoff or something else? Should I change my name or not?
Q: If a group of people were reciting Quraan Shareef together and they read an ayah of sajdah, how would they make sajdah? Would they make just one or one for reading and one for listening?
Q: Can a female be an executor in a will according to Shari’ah?
Q: Instead of paying zakaat with cash, can a person give goods to that amount that the recipient needs?
Would it be permissible to give someone a device that they need?
Q: Is there any basis to fire and water emerging from the same hole as being a sign of Qiyaamah?
Q: Is there any punishment for forgetting Islamic knowledge such as Ahaadeeth Sharief that were by hearted as there is forgetting the Quraan Sharief?