Consuming medications containing ethanol
Q: Are we allowed to consume medications containing ethanol, e.g. cough syrups and tinctures and so forth.
Q: Are we allowed to consume medications containing ethanol, e.g. cough syrups and tinctures and so forth.
Q: We've been affected by sihr and bad eyes for years and its been just over 5 weeks that I am reciting Surah Baqarah weekly in our house... The house is huge so I recite sometimes from the rooms and sometimes central.
What I've noticed is strange.. Cupboards are just starting to break, I feel dizzy and sick with terrible aches. My husband cannot stay alone, he feels jinn presence. I always hear these cupboards shut in almost every bedroom every night and I take it these jinns are there whilst we are sleeping.
We've tried everything from a learned aalim treatments; spraying water to playing the adhaan recorder. What else can I do and why is this still happening? Please advise further.
Q: We have a few Hindus working in our office who often bring sweets, chocolates or biscuits from the supermarket and distribute them among the office colleagues. Sometimes, they say that they have a particular religious occasion, and it is due to this occasion that they distribute these sweets, chocolates, etc. to the office colleagues.
Is it permissible for a Muslim to eat from these sweets, chocolates, biscuits, etc.?
Q: If someone gets a mortgage for a house and then does taubah, he still benefits by keeping the property and also being forgiven.
How is this fair compared to someone who avoids doing so?
Q: Can you please verify if the 17 tasbeehs we read for a marhoom after the funeral is in the Hadith, if not then is this practice not a bidat?
Q: Are we allowed to plant, plants on the grave?
Q: Is one allowed to shave the moustache if he does not have a beard at all?
Q: I want to ask that if this debit card is halaal which is charging 1.5 % fees on international transactions and they charge 23.44 Pakistani Rupees after exceeding the limit of atm withdrawal which is 3 within a month?
Q: What is sunnah of wearing an imaamah (turban) e.g. length, colour, etc.?
Q: If someone slaughters an animal for the jinn, is this major shirk?