Definition of Bid'ah
Q: I am a student of deen and I would humbly request Mufti saheb to help me in the issue of bidah. I want a ﺟﺎﻣﻊ definition of bidaah that excludes everything we doing and includes the other deviated sects.
Q: I am a student of deen and I would humbly request Mufti saheb to help me in the issue of bidah. I want a ﺟﺎﻣﻊ definition of bidaah that excludes everything we doing and includes the other deviated sects.
Q: If a person has an excuse to perform the two rakaats fardh of fajr at home, can he perform his Salaah just after the azaan has commenced or does he have to wait until the time the two rakaat fardh are being performed in the musjid?
Q: I have a doubt in mind that maybe I'm on the wrong path being a Deobandi. I think maybe salafism or barelwiat maybe the right path. How can I be sure that Deobandiat is the right path on which today's Muslims should act as the salafees and the barelwis also present the Qur'an and the Hadith?
Q: I have talked to barelwis about the impermissibility of asking help from someone other than Allah Ta'ala like Auliyas. But they say that the verses revealed in the Quran about the impermissibility of asking someone other than Allah Ta'ala apply to idols only. How can I make them understand that it is for everyone except Allah?
Q: My brother in law always shows anger on me and whenever he sits with others he want to show I am a little girl. He is a regular namazi but his language is bad. My husband is good man. Can you tell me any dua so that my brother in-law can keep quite about me. I am upset and because of him I often do not take my meals.
Q: My question is that we read the Alhamdu shareef in our namaz. When we read namaz in jamaat then do we need to read the Alhamudu shareef or not?
Q: Is it permissible to make esha early in shafi time if one is travelling similar to reading asar early in shafi time?
Q: Please advise on the permissibly of a man wearing an Argentium Sterling Silver ring. Argentium Sterling Silver contains 92.5% of Pure Silver and 7.5% Copper. The Copper is used to strengthen the silver (an alloy). The weight of the entire ring does not exceed more than 4.374 grams.
Q: What is the fadhilat of standing and drinking leftover water of wudhu?
Q: I would like to find clarity and closure on the school of 'aqidah that is ascribed to Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (RA) which is refered to as the Ahl al-Athar or the Atharis. What are the core differences between this school and the other two viz. the Asha'irah and the Maturidis? Is the Athari school that is claimed to be followed different to that followed by Imam ibn Hanbal and other early Hanbali 'ulama? A clear explanation on this issue is required as many are being confused and led astray by bringing up the Athari 'aqidah.