Querying a verdict with multiple reputable Scholars, Sheiks, Muftis

Q: Is there anything wrong with consulting/querying a verdict with multiple reputable Scholars, Sheiks, Muftis. Thereafter one follows and adopts the easiest verdict and decision of any one/few of them.. even though the verdicts and decisions of the rest may be contradicting and different?

Example: Some scholars permit Witr in the Makah Sharif and others don't. Can one choose the easier of the two? Is consistency on one Scholars verdict essential? or can one consider the verdicts of other Scholars?

Women cutting their hair


  1. Is there any Quranic Verse or Narration that directly prohibits women from cutting their hair in a manner which does not resemble the non-believers or men? 
  2. On what basis are women prohibited from cutting their hair in a manner that does not resemble the non-believers or men?

Shariah Compliant Equities, Shares, Unit Trusts, Islamic Banking etc.


  1. Is there any reason to doubt income and profits derived from Shariah Compliant Equities, Shares, Unit Trusts, Islamic Banking etc.? From what we gather, there is a differences of opinion regarding the above among Scholars...
  2. Will it be correct to ascertain that vast majority of contemporary Scholars permit Equities, Shares, Unit Trusts Islamic Banking etc.?
  3. What are the main objections of Scholars who disapprove Shariah Compliant Equities, Shares, Unit Trusts Islamic Banking?
  4. What are the responses for their dis-approvals?

Neatening the beard

Q: Is it allowed in Islam for a male to neaten the beard (NOT CUT) while it is still growing to a fist length (Not yet a fist length) as I am still in my teens and my beard has become extremely wild which is not exactly 'in my opinion' what Islam teaches. To me Islam teaches dignity in portraying ourselves to promote Islam rather than be seen as primitive and uncouth.