Photos of nature, landscapes and wildlife

Q: Does the following Ahaadith apply to photos of nature, landscapes, what about wildlife?

Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “The people who will receive the severest punishment on the day of judgment are the picture makers (of animate objects).”

The severity of photography is leaving our muslim community. When a sin becomes widespread, it is taken very lightly. We never imagined that this day will come, when let alone taking photographs, with the cell-phone almost everyone has become a camera-man videoing day to day outings and get togethers.

Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: “Every picture maker will be in the fire. For every picture that he makes, a living being will be created and will punish him in jahannam.”

As a muslim our firm Imaan will protect us from all forms of photography. Be it on the cell phone, computer screen or our photographs appearing in magazines and newspapers. Many of us may have stopped taking photographs, let us now complete our repentance by erasing all stored images and by destroying all old albums containing our past photographs. May Allah Ta’ala protect and guide us all. Aameen!

I would like to include the following conditions in my employment contract for my staff

Q: I, as an employer would like to include the following conditions in my employment contract for my staff:

  1. All staff are to be committed to work for one full year. The employment contract is a compulsory one year contract from the beginning of the year till the end of the year, 12 months.
  2. With regards to termination of employment for the following year, the employee is obliged to give three months written notice before the end of the current year.
  3. Should the need arise for any staff to be dismissed during the current year of employment due to any irregularities, this can be put into immediate effect.

I would appreciate you to expound on them being acceptable in Shariah, with proofs of Quran and Hadith.

Egyptian Qurra

Q: I have some questions which I would like ask mufti sb and seek his assistance. These questions make me uncomfortable and it’s about the Egyptian qurra. I don't attend their gatherings and neither do I listen to them. But what makes me feel uncomfortable is when I see the wise people, ulama and qurra attending these gatherings and honouring the qaari. I would request mufti sb if he can response to my questions and give a response to their statements with dalaa'il so that I know how to defend myself when I approach people who honour and love the qaaris. I myself have hatred for them. The questions are as follows:

  1. What is the hukm of attending a gathering which is conducted by a qaari who shaves his beard? 
  2. I am not saying the qurraa who shaves their beard are on haqq, but looking at their karaamaat what 'if' they are awliyaa so will I be accountable if I condone them and not attend their gatherings? And does it mean I'm not respecting the quraan?
  3. In At-targhib wat-tarheeb in the last volume a hadith is mentioned about the signs of qiyaamah and one of the signs mentioned is " wa an ta'luwa aswaatul fasaqati fil masaajid" and many more ahadith so if we not going to make them mahmool on these qaaris with the mere excuse that they are forced to shave their beards so on who are we going to make these ahaadith mahmool on? Indirectly making the kalaam of Nabi (Sallallahu Alyhi Wasallam) go to a waste. 

I therefore request mufti sb to reply to my questions with such dalaaill through which I can defend the sunnah, mujtahideen and islaam.

Using the left hand placing the right hand under the glass when drinking water

Q: While eating, right hand gets greasy, etc. Then most people feel dirty to take the glass with the right hand. Instead they would take it with left hand and right hand would assist by putting their hand under the glass. However, I feel that is just feeble excuse but we should still use right hand to drink. After all, we will wash the glasses anyway. Which is right way?