Women traveling without a mahram
Q: Please inform me of the punishment if a women travels without a mahram.
Q: Please inform me of the punishment if a women travels without a mahram.
Q: Our Milkman uses Oxytocin for more production of milk, by which more milk is produced than regular one. Kindly do let me know is consuming such milk is Halal?
Q: How often does the husband have to fulfill the wife's conjugal rights.What if the wife wants it to be fulfilled every night?
Q: I have an irregular cycle, or rather haven't made a proper recorder of my dates, until recently. Since July this year I've made a sincere effort to monitor my haidh. I've notice that I usually have my haidh for 3-4 days each month with paak days of 18-20 days. However sometimes I have absolutely no discharge after 3 days and I start to spot within the 10 day period for another day maybe 2 or 3. Is this haidh or istihaiza as it is not my habit? I am on a pill. I am very concerned as I am leaving for Haj and not sure how this would affect my Salaah and tawaaf e-Ziyaarat. Do I follow my new habit or that before the pill?
Q: I was married for 19 years and having problems. I decided to take a second wife but was not happy about divorcin the first wife. My second wife made it condition if she marries me I must divorce the first wife. Her family put a lot of pressure on divorce. I got married to her and divorced the first wife after one week. I have four children. After being married for approximatly for 3 weeks i highly regret divorcin my first wife and consequently have lost all feelings for the second wife. I have no desire of stayin married. My second wife also has 3 children. I issued one irrevocable talaq to my first wife. I desperately need your urgent advice.
Q: Is it permissible for a women to cut her hair if she is completely covered out of her home?
Q: A Muslin attorney is the duly-appointed Executor in a deceased Estate. Is it permissible for the attorney to charge the estate of the deceased executor's remuneration as prescribed by law i.e. 3.5% of the gross value of the estate or should he waive the executor's remuneration and only charge the estate actual expenses incurred. Would it make any difference if the estate in question is that of close relative?
Q: I want to sell my house, who has first preference to buy it? My neighbor or a family member?
Q: During ghusal I doubted that some shell of popcorn is left between my teeth and gum. I tried hard to remove it with help of brush but could not succeed so I left it by considering it as my doubt and I performed all my prayers but in the night pieces came out. Now what should I do?
Q: Are we allowed to take out Home insurance and Life insurance?