Picking up the crumbs from the table
Q: Someone told me that if I pick up the crumbs etc. from the table/dastarkhaan then one will get pious kids. Is this true? And does this appear in some Hadith or something?
Q: Someone told me that if I pick up the crumbs etc. from the table/dastarkhaan then one will get pious kids. Is this true? And does this appear in some Hadith or something?
Q: I want to ask that is insurance halal in Islam?
Q: I am not getting a job for the past four years, I have kids and just facing difficulties. I have gone for interviews but no success.
Q: If a person has a huge debt to settle, is it permissible for him to go for hajj if he has a sponsor? The people that he owes have been waiting for a long time for their debts to be paid.
Q: I have a serious problem with waswasa about talaq. this has turned into a mental problem like obsesive compulsive disorder where these thoughts keep playing in my mind and sometimes I think I say it on my own in my mind. I have no control over it. Numerous muftis have told me that talaq has to be verbal for it to be valid. After getting fatwas from muftis then I get these thoughts that maybe the mufti did not understand or did not hear the question correctly etc and I go into a state of depression. This is really affecting me. Whether I'm doing good or bad I get these thoughts. I am in constant fear of talaq. Its like almost always playing in my head. My question is (1) as I said this has become a mental problem and because of this I sometimes say things in my MIND ONLY which may not be waswasa but because of this mental problem that I have developed like egs: if I'm on the internet I say in my mind "if I click on a certain link its talaq". Then I just ignore what I said in my mind and click on the link and carry on with whatever I'm doing. Does any talaq take place like this? I was told by other muftis that no talaq takes place. Please advice. This waswasa is really affecting me. I love my wife a lot. May Allah bless our marriage ameen.
Q: A company manufactures and sells blinds. Often, they receive complaints from customers about faults and defects, and costs are incurred in replacing them. The staff have been warned of their negligence on numerous occasions but to no avail. The manager now wants to start fining them for their negligence. Is this permissible?
Q: How much kilos / grams is 20 Mithqaals equivalent to?
Q: Our tenant requests permission at the time of leasing the premises to have a snooker table and other such games. Can we give him permission or not?
Q: The tenant at our business premises requests permission at the time of leasing the premises to keep a lotto machine. Can we give him permission?
Q: regarding the word Sayyiduna. i understand this is a title of respect, but should we not stick to the original wordings of the Ahadith when making duaa etc. for example someone may add Sayyiduna, then Moulana. Someone will add Jalle Jalalahu when reading durood after the name of Allah. So someone else will add and add and the original will be distorted. The addition of such words implies that the original wordings are not respectful enough?