Explanation of the Hadith regarding a believer selling his Deen

Q: Please explain this Hadith:

Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam) said: ‘Be quick in increasing your good deeds, before such trials arrive, in which a person who was a believer in the morning will become a kaafir (non believer) by the evening, or he who was a believer in the evening would become a non believer by the morning; because of him selling his deen (religion) in exchange of the acquisitions of the world.’ (Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 309)

Musaafir muqtadi making the intention of four rakaats behind a musaafir imaam


1. If during traveling, an Imaam makes intention of qasr Asr but the muqtadi, who is also a traveler, mistakenly made intention of four rakaats. Will the muqtadi need to repeat the salaah (two rakaats qasr) or the niyyat of Imaam will be the one to supersede over that of the muqtadi and the muqtadi’s salaah behind the Imaam will be valid?

2. As a muqtadi, since I was not sure of the above, I repeated the Asr and prayed two rakaat qasr, was this action, in cases of doubts, correct until I come to know the right maslah?

Equality between wives living in different countries

Q: Presently I have two wives. I married with my first wife while I was studying in Turkey and she got official status of my wife in the online government system in Turkey. I have married again a couple months back. Now I got a job in Turkey, where I can take my first wife only (since she is registered there and two wives are not allowed in Turkey) and cannot take my second wife due to the given reason. I am confused as to what to do?

If I take my first wife only and visit Pakistan in the holidays or call her on a tourist visa off and on, will this be fine and justified? Please advise me as to what I should do so that I may not become sinful?