Husband using a portion of wife's salary

Q: I am a Muslim woman who is working and married. My parents have a low financial condition for which I support them even after marriage. I give 30% of my salary to my parents and 70% to my husband. But my husband is now restricting me from giving money to my parents even after knowing their financial condition. What should I do?

My husband wants me to invest my salary in some good schemes so that it will be beneficial for me and my husband in the future. Whom should I listen to because not giving money to my parents will cause them great difficulty in surviving. Would using that money in increasing my wealth be a sin or not?

When should the tasmee and tahmeed be recited?


1. I am a student of deen. I wish to know whether the imaam and muqtadee should recite tahmeed in salaah? If they should recite it, then when should they recite it? Should they recite it while rising from ruku or while standing in qaumah? I have heard that there is a difference of opinion in the Hanafi Mazhab in regard to this mas’alah.

2. Should the munfarid recite tasmee and tahmeed or only tahmeed?

Getting married in the church

Q: I am in love with a christian girl, and we plan to marry since she has agreed to convert to Islam. However, her parents want us to get married in a church in order to keep their respect among their community, though they have agreed to let us perform a proper Nikaah after the christian wedding and to let the girl be a practising muslim. Am I allowed to get married in a church just to protect her family from humiliation?

Parents consuming or giving away food belonging to their children

Q: My daughter is a small baby and doesn't have her teeth yet. Recently, someone sent some sweets for her as a present. However, due to her age, she cannot eat the sweets, and by the time she is old enough to eat them, the sweets will be expired. What should I do with the sweets? Is it permissible for me to eat them or give them to others?