Eating haraam food with one's non-Muslim mother

Q: I live with my non-Muslim mother and non-Muslim step father. Currently, my step father provides so he does not buy halaal meat and it's cooked in my home. I talked to my mom, but because she is not the one who pays, and in this country halaal meat is more expensive, she says that there is nothing she can do.

I know for a fact that meat which is not halaal is totally forbidden in Islam... but my mom cooks for me with her best intentions. Fortunately, sometimes I get late for dinner and when I'm alone, I eat the curry and the rice only, throwing away the meat.

Note, it's not pork, it's normal chicken and meat but not bought from a halaal bucthery. I know that throwing away food is bad. Also, making my mom sad is another big sin. Sometimes I have dinner with them and I have no choice but to eat, because by upsetting her, I'm upsetting Allah and I can't cause more problems. Please tell me what to do.

Giving sadaqah to non-Muslims

Q: For the past few days I was giving sadaqa everyday to needy people, especially cleaners working for Baldiyah. I don't know if the cleaners are Muslims or non-Muslims. I mostly give sadaqa to them only.

Please let know if the money which I give to non-Muslims as sadaqa is acceptable or I should only give it to Muslims only. I really dont know their religion because they are cleaners who wear the same clothes.


Q: My grandad in India had five sons and three daughters. How should his land be divided?

Also, would the share of one son be different if he passed away before his mother?