Working during iddat

Q: My husband has given me papers... He wrote I divorce you Talak Talak Talak... then in one line again I divorce you... How many divorces does it count?

He isn't giving any money... Can I work in a school during iddah as we were separated since a year?

Using a herbal remedy to give birth quickly

Q: Last year I gave birth and an African Muslim woman who I trust told me about a herbal remedy for speeding up the birth and dilating. She told me that she soaks maryam flower and drinks it like a tea 2 weeks before the due date. I did this and everything was okay. Allah Ta'ala granted me a quick natural birth.

This year I am going to give birth again but my sister in law sent me a post that she read about people saying that they use maryam flower for prosperity and wealth and so on. Basically, like witchcraft or something. I'm not sure now and I am scared to use it after reading this post.

I want to know if its okay for me to use it as a herbal remedy like I did the last time or should I stay away from it?

Doubting the existence of Allah Ta'ala

Q: I am an Egyptian girl, 16 years old and I was born a Muslim in a Muslim household. I’ve always believed in Allah and prayed. I never had any doubts towards the existence of God because I was born a Muslim and my parents taught me from a young age, since I was born, therefore I had no option but to believe, of course like any other born Muslim kid.

I didn’t know anything about other religions and the possibility of existence of atheists except in ancient times as I learned at school etc. like any typical child. I was like “OF COURSE THERE IS ALLAH.” I was happy, I prayed, everything was ok untill a month ago. I started diving deep on the internet, after I had bad thoughts like “how is there a God... does God really exist?’ etc.

I fell into a state of depression, gradually. I didnt sleep, I didnt eat, I lost weight and I got sick and I had to tell my mom to help me because I can't tell anyone else such a thing. She kept telling me “Its the Shaitan, and stuff like that... and we watched videos together to make me feel better.

I became slightly better after overthinking all the time to thinking less. I was always afraid, but now I feel empty. Im so afraid that I feel like I surrendered to my thoughts. I need guidance again, I just want my strong faith back... What do I do? Please help me.

Wearing underwear in ihraam

Q: I went for hajj this year. I had to wear underpants under my ihram due to a medical reason which was approved by my doctor. During hajj I was told I have to pay a dum because I am not allowed to wear any other clothing apart from ihram, regardless of a medical condition. I wanted to know if this is true.

Marrying one's cousin

Q: Can I marry my paternal uncle's son? His paternal grandfather and my paternal grandfather are full brothers. His father is elder to my father and is my paternal uncle. Is this marriage acceptable according to Islam?