Working as a software developer in a gaming company

Q: I want to know if it is permissible to work in the gaming industry according to Islamic law.

The gaming company in question has many popular games but those games contain some aspects of nudity, violence and crime related missions. The job is not a game developer per se, but some other software development work like tools development, server handling and all.

My doubt is that even if it's some other software development work, isn't it ultimately helping in the release of the game and thus should be prohibited?

Drawing one's profit share in a partnership

Q: I did a partnership with someone and we both agreed that whatever profit would be generated, we would share it equally. We both partners have access to the bank account and we can withdraw money from the bank.

Now when the business has started generating profit, my partner didn’t share the profit with me. He uses money from the bank and when I ask for my share, he starts fighting with me. When I argue he says "you have access to the account, you can get your money". When I take out money and tell him, he fights. If I don’t inform him and get my share as decided, would it be sin?

Having control over the angels

Q: I met few people who claim to have possession over angels. According to them Allah has created an angel (Muwakkil) of each word of Quran. If we recite verses of Quran in a specified manner and count over a specific number of days approximately 41. We can control angels that are allocated to that verses. Is it permissible? What is the ruling of Islam if an individual practice it?

What to do with doubtful food received from non-Muslims?

Q: I often receive chocolates or cakes or other foods stuff from colleagues/friends or neighbors. We take special care about ingredients and if we are not sure, we don't consume it, in fact usually we don't consume.

Can we give such things, we are not sure of, to non-Muslims, such as homeless people, or even non-Muslim neighbours? Or should we throw the food in the dust bin?