Wearing a ring to show that one is married
Q: I would like to know according to shariah, what is the basis in Islam for using a ring to show that one is married, whether it be a man or a woman.
Q: I would like to know according to shariah, what is the basis in Islam for using a ring to show that one is married, whether it be a man or a woman.
Q: Who are the Salafis And what is their aqeedah?
Q: If one has sexual intercourse during haidh, and the blood is red then 4.364g in gold has to be given. To who must this penalty be paid and under what (sadaqah)?
Q: Is it permissible for us to wear a ring with mohr-e-nabuwat (seal of nubuwwat) on top?
Q: My father complained about this for so long that I would rather ask a person who knows these things. He always says that everything is haraam and wrong in our religion.
I wear hijab and long skirt everyday. My dad has complained to me for a long time about a couple of my friends using pants (their parents know that they wear them of course). It is such a big thing to my father and he always says I'm next. He complains about using even short socks and sometimes he is also violent about it.
I am now in a situation that every morning, evening, night he is waiting for me to start using pants. I’ve never thought in my life that I’d stop wearing hijab or skirt, because my friends don’t wear it but now he is basically 'helping' me to refuse to wear it. I know this is wrong what he is doing.
He also complaints about how tight my skirt is or my shirt is too tight to see my shape. I always feel uncomfortable in those situations because I feel that my father shouldn't look at his child in that way. My mom never talks to me like that. I feel like mothers should talk to their daughters about those things, not dads.
Can you please help me to understand if this whole situation is okay? What should I do? I can’t talk to him about this because he is abusive and he wants to be right every time. I know that I should not talk about my father like this but this is getting out of hand.
Q: I am a Muslimah who wears a long robe like abaya when I go out in public. Recently I have been thinking of wearing a shalwar qamees when I go out in public. The reason I choose to wear it is because it is easier and comfortable than the one I wear. With the abaya, I sometimes slip and fall, but the way I choose to wear the shalwar is different. I'm going to wear it in the way Islam has prescribed for us. It will be a full sleeved loose kurta upto the knee and a loose denim along with the hijab properly wrapped covering my head and chest.
Is this kind of attire allowed? Is it a sin on me for changing my dress from the abaya to a shalwar?
Q: If the husband touches his wife's back private part with his penis, it was not felt inside and there was no discharge released, is ghusal required?
1. Is it permissible to do Acupuncture and massage therapy to treat illness?
2. If the needles have to be put in the stomach, back, legs, etc. in the area between the navel and knees,w ill it be permissible?
3. Sometimes these pressure points are massaged instead of using needles. Will this be permissible?
Q: As Muslims, are we allowed to work for a company that propagates Christianity? The job involves operating broadcasting equipment used to propagate Christianity.
Q: Is qadha prayers accepted by Allah?
If I go out shopping or to a wedding, can I pray qadha when I get home and is it accepted?