Are hair roots impure?

Q: Is the root of the hair najis? And if so, what does this really mean? Since the hair that the body has naturally shed has the root intact (as opposed to cut hair), do I then assume that all hair that I see on the floor or in the bathroom has a part of it that is najis?

As a consequence, if I am eating soup or drinking water, and some hair falls in, does that make the entire liquid najis? If some fallen hair on the floor sticks to my wet foot, do I have to wash my foot? How exactly is the najasat of the hair root transferred?

Sex toys

Q: May I ask why Muslims have become interested in things like 'sex toys' in marriage? It seems all very strange and weird. What is the cause of this odd interest by Muslims?

I researched this and the manufacture or sale of 'sex toys' was actually prohibited in South Africa by the apartheid government. The ruling was lifted only in 2007 by parliament.

Eating a chocolate with Christmas wrapping

Q: Mufti Saheb had said to avoid Easter eggs because of their relation to Easter. At the moment, quite a lot of sweets/chocolates and other things come in a Christmasish wrapping. Sometimes the thing itself is in a Christmas related shape. I have some chocolate that came in a firecracker wrapping which was given to me. It does not come in this wrapping during other times of the year. May I eat it?