Using perfume with alcohol

Q: I wanted to purchase some oud. The person selling it had informed me that to speed up the process of making this oud they use a very little brandy (type of alcohol) in the oud. He also mentioned that the Ulama said it is permissble to use such oud.

Will it be permissble to use this oud? Will there be a difference in the maslah if the brandy is made from grapes or if the brandy is made from something besides grapes, for example it is made from wheat?

Parents being just in giving gifts to their children

Q: My aunt has 4 children, 2 sons and 2 daughters. In our culture mothers give gifts to their daughters and their families (daughter's husband and children) once during the winter and once during the summer time. Is it possible for my aunt to give gifts only to one of her daughters?

My uncle does not work, so she gets the money from her sons. I'm asking this question because we have read that we have to be just in giving gifts to our children.

She got to know that this rule (being just in gift-giving) is valid only when the mother is getting money from her husband.

Fulfilling a vow regarding doing a certain action

Q: I promised 10 nafal everyday if Allah fulfills my wish. If I pray those nafals after 12 a.m would it be ok or would it count in the nafal of the next day? Like I pray those nafal after isha and it often gets above 12 while praying because I have waswaas regarding salah. Do I have to repeat these nafal? I always prayed after isha so it means that technically if I prayed on for example on 12 December it would actually be counted as the nawafil of the 13 and the nawafil of the 13th will be considered as the nawafil of the 14th so it would still complete the 10 days.