Woman revealing her satr for cosmetic surgery

Q: I need a fatwa regarding treating a female patient by a male doctor in a surgery.

Actually the procedure is cosmetic surgery for droopy eyelids and the male surgeon said that we will take skin from your inner thighs. So I want to ask about the draping procedure and all the male staff along with female staff with male doctors are present.

Is it allowed to expose your body infront of men in the presence of females?

Ash'ari and Maturidi beliefs

Q: I want to enquire regarding Ash'ari and Maturidi theology/beliefs. What do they entail and why do we (اهل السنة والجماعة) follow these imams?

What beliefs of these do we follow as Ahnaaf/Shawafi?

How does following them tie into following the madhaahib?

Is there any detailed books on this authored by reliable authors?

Following the group AICP

Q: Here in France and in several places of the world such as the United States, England, Australia and other countries there is a group calling itself AICP or Ahbash of Lebanon. They are a sect founded by the Ethiopian Abdullah al-Harari, ILIMAN of this group of interesting knowledge.

The problems is that he declares a very large number of Sunni Muslims to be disbelievers, and that even the most gentle people seem suspicious in their eyes. It is complicated because we are really in trouble. They seem to fight the mistaken beliefs of the Salafists but the problem is that many brothers who do not have the mistaken beliefs of the Salafists are disturbed by their takfir on a lot of personalities. Do we have to learn the knowledge of this group or do away? What are your recommendations. We are exhausted seeing every Muslim like suspicious if he doesn't have the beliefs of this group.


Q: I have some questions regarding tahajjud.

1. How long before fajr does the time for tahajjud end?

2. What is the sunnah method for performing tahajjud?

3. How do I pray tahajjud during haidh?

Women visiting Islamic historic sites

Q: When a person goes for Umrah, or makes ziyarat of Masjid Aqsa, visits Jordan, etc. and there are graveyards like Jannatul Baqee etc. should women folk also visit the graveyards from maybe outside?

Also, in Badr, a person takes the name of the Shuhada of Badr and makes Dua etc. So should women visit the qabrastan from outside and convey salaams to Sahabah (radhiyallahu anhum) or should they stay away. Visiting quboor even In these blessed places..

Authentic books on Stories of the Prophets (alaihimus salaam) and Seerah

Q: Do you have any history books on Islam (be it Stories of the Prophets alayhis salam, or just general history books on Islam)? On top of reading Bahisthi zewar, I'd like to learn more about the history of Islam and stories of the prophets Alayhis salam so I'd like to know the names of a few books that I can read.

Also do you know any authentic books about the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)? And books about the Sahabbah radiyallah anhum?

These books can be in Urdu or English but preferably English and length comprehensive books I would prefer. 

Fatwa Regarding the Hajj Movie

Q: Lately, there was a movie documentary that was released on hajj. This documentary was compiled using videos captured during this year’s hajj (2023), and it was being shown in the cinema in Killarney Mall in Johannesburg.

In this movie, there are many interviews of women. The labbaik is played together with music, and there are even Ulama who appear in the movie.

It is said that the purpose behind the production of this movie is to educate Muslims and non-Muslims regarding Islam and the beauty of hajj.

What is the Islamic ruling regarding producing, watching and promoting such a movie?

Making masah on medical socks

Q: A person has a medical condition where water fills in his legs. He has to wear a stocking/sock that is very tight. This sock helps mitigate the condition. It is very difficult to take off and put on the sock.

In this situation, will it be permissible to make masah on these socks in wudhu?