Isa (alaihis salaam) being a follower of Hazrat Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
Q: When Hazrat Isa Alayhis Salaam comes to this world, will he come as a New Prophet or Nabi?
Q: When Hazrat Isa Alayhis Salaam comes to this world, will he come as a New Prophet or Nabi?
1. What is the correct way for a woman to establish that she is out of haidh?
a. Is it necessary that tissue etc. be inserted and it should be dry
b. If on the tissue is a white discharge, will she be regarded as clean now?
c. Is it not necessary to insert anything, once her pad remains clean she can make ghusl? Sometimes there is a discharge but so little that it does not stain the pad, just when making istinja a wetness can be felt, so one is not sure of the colour of the discharge
d. Sometimes it's difficult to distinguish the colour of the discharge, if there is a very very slight yellowish discharge immediately after haidh, will it be counted too as haidh?
2. If a woman is fasting and a short while before iftar she feels that she has got her haidh, however she only manages to go to he bathroom after making iftar, and she sees that it is haidh, will she have to make qadha of this fast?
1. During nikah, does ijaab and qabool have to be said in the past tense?
2. If they are not said in the past tense, is the nikaah invalid?
Q: Is hair or beard dyeing permissible only for job purposes which is advised by an employer? It is a customer service sales job. The employer advised me to colour my hair and beard black to show that I am younger because markets like young energetic people. It is a garments label industry. Here, colouring the hair or beard black (to show that I am young) will not cheat people. It is only to show that the company has appointed smart officials. There is no cheating in the product. Product quality will remain ok as per company policy. I need a ruling in this regard.
Q: India courts has ruled against triple talaaq. Can you guide me on this judgement?
1. Must food be covered while it is being carried to the dastarkhan from the kitchen (for the meal)?
2. Must the uneaten food be covered while it is being carried from the dastarkhan to the kitchen (after meals)?
3. If so, what is the Shar`ee status of this practise?
Q: I would like to know if Iso therapy is permissible?
Q: Can a woman use an epilator to remove hair from her private parts?
Q: My mother is a drug addict and has been one since I was 15 and now I am 28. I am a married woman and my husband and I have tried to help her by letting her stay by us a few times but she stole money twice and recently she came to live by us and was fine for a while. She even started hifz but then left again to live by another man and now she wants to come back to live here because the man beats her up. My husband just keeps quiet but I know deep down he is not happy with it. She is crying on the phone alot but I told her my husband can't pick her up so late in the night we live far. She said that she will see where she is going to sleep for the night. I am starting to buy her monthly groceries from my allowance but now she wants to come and live back here. What should I do, I am totally lost.
Q: I have heard that oil prevents the water from reaching the roots of the hair. Now I am confused. If oil is applied to the hair will the ghusl be valid or do we have to use shampoo or soap to remove the oil?