Receiving the normal price of an item when returning an item instead of the discounted price

Q: If a person sells a certain item and a discount was given to the customer and thereafter the customer wants to exchange the item or be refunded for it, will it be permissible to subtract the discount given (proportionally)? If the discount is not reversed will it be regarded as interest?

Secret nikaah and publicizing it after a while

Q: I am a 53 year old divorced female. My first cousin is 62 and he is recently divorced. We are both single, and are considering making Nikah. Because our families are very close, we are afraid that if we have a public Nikah, and the marriage subsequently does not work, this will cause immense stress on the entire family. Is it possible for us to do a non-public / secret Nikah for a while and then if all works out, we will then tell the family that we are married.


Q: Kindly please advise.

My husband has a credit card which he uses to do transactions and alhamdulillah all these transactions are interest free. He uses it for convenience so he doesn't need to carry cash. By using this card he earns ebucks points which have accumulated and will be very valuable in purchasing necessary appliances in the home. Is the purchasing of these items with the ebucks points permissible?

Reading novels

Q: I would like to know that after doing my work, namaz, reading Quraan and other works, so that nobodys rights are violated, what books or stories can one read for one's enjoyment, as one likes reading. Can one read books or stories of detective nature, like "whodoneit" fiction.

I am talking about books and novels of Agatha Christie, Conan Doyle, Brain Cleeve etc. not romance or filthy books and novels. Detective stories can help to use one's brains. It can also be brain exercise as I think.

As we do taleem at night when everyone is together. In taleen as you know we do read Fazail e aamaal and Sadaqat, and Muntakhab Ahaadis. There is also time when we do zikr and wazaifs. But after doing all this can one read the stories in free time for entertaiment or to enjoy one self?

One cannot do taleem etc all the time, then it might make others bored or hectic, that all the time the same thing one has to do, reading and wazaif etc. One has to have a time for a little entertainment and being jolly but of halal nature. When one is travelling in a train etc so that one does not get bored or get involved in idle talk etc. What is the solution to this?

May Allah forgive me for the nature of question asked but just for clarification and not for shunning reading Quran, doing taleem or zikr etc. 

Showing kindness and dealing justly with non-Muslims

Q: Recent events in Palestine makes us very disturbed as Muslims and human beings. What I have noticed is that not only Muslims around the world but also non-muslims are expressing solidarity and extending their support for Palestine. I would like to ask this question with genuine concern and I hope I do not offend you if I ask.

Should we not treat non Muslims in our lands with fairness and kindness, as we expect them to treat us fairly. In my own country of origin Pakistan, persecution of certain non Muslim groups like Ahmadiyas, Atheists, Hindus, etc. occurs in various form on frequent basis. Are we as Muslims allowed to stand up in support for these non Muslims communities like Ahmadis, Atheists, Hindus, etc. if they are oppressed by our own Muslim brethren?