Girl attracted to the same gender

Q: If a girl has been behaving like a boy naturally since birth, she has a strong fear of Allah and a desire to walk according to Islam. She tried to correct herself and did everything that girls do, but it didn't make any difference and she is still attracted to girls. All of this is natural for her. She has now decided to seek medical help and undergo hormone therapy because she is not getting better despite waiting and trying. She has a strong hatred for LGBTQ. She also visited a doctor and the doctor said to them, do a harmons therapy. Please give me answer what should they do?

Wife leaving the home to work to support her parents

Q: I want to ask about my situation. I have 2 kids, one is 3.5 years old and the second is 2.5 years old. My wife's father has retired and my wife wants to work to support her parents, as she is their only child. But my opinion is that my in-laws have a property, 3 apartments other than the one they are residing in. I told my wife that she can work once the kids start school and have a proper routine. Right now my wife is working and my in-laws comes to our home in our absence to look after the kids.

The problem is that my wife gets very tired once she reaches home and is not able to get proper sleep because the kids don't have any routine. So shes not able to take care of me properly.

I need your advise as I'm in big time stress and developed a condition of high bp due to continuous stress.

Consulting with elders after making istikhara

Q: My question is regarding istikhara. I performed istikhara regarding a person and recently found out something that would be counted as an obstacle/barrier between me and this person. So I understand that Allah is showing me there is no good in this matter and so my question is that does this mean that this person will never be good for me or perhaps that this person is not good for me in this moment. And I am transgressing against Allah by hoping that we could perhaps reunite, since I genuinely believe this person is good for my deen and aakhirah and I am saying that based on me ignoring my desires and thinking hard whether or not this perosn will help me get closer to Allah.

Performing umrah when entering Makkah Mukarramah after leaving the meeqaat

Q: I intend performing umrah next week Wednesday. I will be staying in Makkah for 5 days i.e. Wednesday to Sunday. I will be returning home on Monday. Am I allowed to visit Madinah just to convey my Salaam to Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) for just one day (Saturday) and return back to Makkah without donning ihram or performing another umrah again?