Touching the Quraan without wudhu

Q: How can you say that wudu is required to read Quran (even on a mobile phone), while Allah has mentioned it (wudu) to have to perform salah, not for reading Quran. And our Prophet(sallallahu alaihi wasallam) has told us to be taahir (in purity). Is a Muslim not taahir without wudu. Is it not laying unrequired boundation which keeps millions of believers away from reciting the Quran that really inspires us to stick to the Deen, more than anything can, though I understand that it is better to have wudu always!

Women working

Q: Is it permissible to use contraceptive medications to delay having children because the couple is studying and working in a tough field (e.g. medicine)?

Living separately


1. What is the ruling on separate living for a married son with his wife from his parents, given that the son is the only male child and the couple had undergone love marriage?

2. To whom are the duties and responsibilities of a married man more, his wife, children or unmarried siblings?

3. If a married daughter is not permitted by her husband to visit her parents provided that her parents dont have a male child, what can she do?

4. For a working married lady whose parents have no male child and source of earning, is she required to give some share of her salary towards parents despite the fact that her husband is not willing to do so?