Listening to Arabic nazams
Q: Is it permissible to listen to Arabic nazams... These nazms do not have music in them.
Q: Is it permissible to listen to Arabic nazams... These nazms do not have music in them.
1. For ghusal there is the condition of washing your whole body. I want to ask that if one is in the shower or using a bucket to take ghusal, is it necessaray that every time new drops reach the other part. I mean that if I am taking a bath under a shower and washing my head or chest then the water flows from my head to my chest or legs and my legs get wet automatically. So is it necessary for me to wash my legs again?
2. Is it necessary to remove any impurity before taking ghusal? I mean, if I wash the najasah from my body, does that part need to be washed again for the purpose of ghusal?
Q: By reading the 4th kalima in the market, will Alah give us a palace (mehal) in Jannat?
Q: My husband has issued me with 2 talaaqs. I am currently at my parents house in iddat, as we have not reconciled. My husband is demanding that I return all the gold to him (some were given as mahr and this is documented on the marriage certificate, some was gifted to me by my husband during the duration of our marriage and some he has gifted to my daughter). I have paid zakaah on this gold over the years. Who is the rightful owner of the gold?
Q: How do I distinguish between normal wet and impure vaginal discharge for which wudu becomes obligatory?
Q: I really feel that my iman getting harmed when I be with my friends but it's not possible to avoid them studying in the same class. Is it ok to hurt them in this case?
Q: I agreed with someone more than once that I will cook something for him as he helped me study. Now I don't really talk to boys. Will it be right for me to cook for him as I gave him my word and it is really important in our religion or should I avoid it?
Q: In Hayatus Sahaaba it is written that our Prophet's (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) father and grandfather are jahannami. How can this be authentic?
Q: I have a question regarding beheshti zewar... In the introduction there is something written about prediction of the birth of Ml. Ashraf Ali Thanvi and he should be named Ali etc. And his brother would be evil. Is this true? Isn't it shirk? No one knows about the future except Allah.. So what about this story?
Q: If I suffer from continual bleeding for over six months, if for one salah time I don't see any blood am I not mazoor? Is the vaginal discharge pure in this case?