Allegation made by the Shia

Q: I read somewhere that the Holy Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) threatened his wives to divorce and Hazrat Aisha (RA) is threatened many times with divorce in Quran. By threaten, I mean in a very severe manner. Is this true? Or is it a malicious allegation by Shia?

Islamic ruling on Karma

Q: My question is concerning justice for the wronged. Why are people who have wronged me doing very well while I am struggling to strive? What happened to karma of what goes around come around? What is the Islamic ruling on karma?

Paying zakaat on behalf of one's deceased father


1. I want to ask about the obligatory charity (zakat). There are some things which I want to know about rules of zakat. First of all I want to know rules about paying zakat on inherited wealth. My father died and the money in his account was given to me after 7 months. My father died in 8th month of Islamic calender. He used to give zakat in Ramadan. Maybe the time was complete for giving zakat ( i do not know for sure) but he died before that. So the question is that was I supposed to pay on his behalf or not. If not then when should i pay zakat. Should I calculate day from that one on which he died or the one which i received money from bank 7 months later.

2. Also the money in bank is of two kinds. One is that which me and my father saved. The other is not ours. It is security deposit of the shop keeper and the person who lives at rent in our house. Some of the shop keepers have been here for 20 or 25 years. So am I supposed to pay zakat including the deposit or just the one we saved.


Q: I have been reading up on Hurmat Musaaharah and had the following questions:

1. If a boy touches his sister with lust, are their children, etc. allowed to marry each other?

2. If a boy touches his cousin (parents siblings children) with lust, are their children allowed to marry each other?

Life insurance payout

Q: Old Mutual life insurance investment funds.

1. If the family gets paid out from such an investment, will it be permissible for them to use that money?

2. If not, can it be given to a family member legible for zakaat or to pay Sars, fines etc.

Laws pertaining to Imaamat

Q: I would like to find out all the Shar'ee laws pertaining to: - Imamat / leading a congregation in Salaah - Non Baaligh child making Imamat - Imam having a beard - Imam not following rules of tajweed. - Imam wearing his pants below his ankles. Please can I also have references for each of the queries.