Buying stationary and toys with zakaat money and giving it to recipients of zakaat for their children
Q: Can zakaah money be used to buy stationary, toys etc. and be given to people who can receive zakaah, for their children?
Q: Can zakaah money be used to buy stationary, toys etc. and be given to people who can receive zakaah, for their children?
Q: I was the youngest of my 6 brothers and 2 sisters. My chacha and chachi didn't have a child of their own so they adopted me. The name on my ID card is not of my original father. Is this fine or should I change the name on my ID?
Q: I have abit of arthiritis in my lower back and waist and I'm struggling with standing and sitting when performing namaaz. What will be best and permissible in my case... sitting position on the musallah without getting up or sitting on a chair?
Will I receive the same reward?
Q: I came across some information a few years ago, which I don't remember the source. I am now pregnant alhamdulilah and I would like to verify this information as I cannot find anything in my Islamic literature.
Is true that dua is accepted during childbirth/labour? If so, please can you provide any basis.
Q: We purchased a property in a syndicate and the money held by the lawyers as a guarantee was invested in a money market account and accrued interest.
Can this money be used to offset the lawyers fee or does it have to be given out with no intention.
Q: I plan on becoming an event planner. If I am asked to do the setup for a birthday party,would that be allowed from an Islamic perspective.
Q: How do I discard a broken glass with a Quranic dua printed over it?
Q: I currently run a printing business where I print tissue paper for businesses. This will have their logo printed onto it so they can use this for packaging products.
Occassionly I get orders such as a logo and 'Christmas at Next' written underneath. Is it permissible to print this or not?
Q: I wanted to ask if it is permissible for one to lease out a shop to a non-Muslim who wants to sell fireworks for November, December and January. He then wants to continue selling furniture.
Q: My question is that while recitation of Quran Shareef, I touch holy verses by my finger, during this I touch my mobile phone or keychain with same hand and finger, does the mobile and keychain also become respectful? Or its ok to keep them on the floor or anywhere?