Q: I have a Shaikh who I meet whenever at my masjid.He has been helping me to find a job at the masjid for about a year. Three days days ago, I met with him, he introduced me to two sisters to see if they are able to help me to do something in the masjid. I was interested to work as an Islamic teacher or as an assistant. However, the sister who I was interacting with mostly wasn't telling me clear-cut if I am hired and gave me paper works that are meant for a person who is hired. On Thursday, I went back to ask if I am hired and if I'm not hired, why they gave me these paper works? The other sister who is the school principal of this particular branch of our masjid was not being straight with me either. She was telling me that every company in America, they will give these paper works that ask for your income tax, bank information, and etc. However, in America, companies can only hand out these papers to employees who are hired for the job. She also told me that masjids are not a good place to find a job. My question is this, should I inform my Sheikh about this issue?