Negative thoughts

Q: I am suffering from waswasa for a long time. In Islam every thing is about intention, but I am not sure about my intention. So is it a major sin if I have an intention to do a major sin if I had a chance to do? If a person thinks that he is ready to commit a major sin if he had chance to and then asked forgiveness but he didn't do it, is the same sin recorded by thinking about sinning or not?

Taking a job where one is comfortable

Q: I have a Shaikh who I meet whenever at my masjid.He has been helping me to find a job at the masjid for about a year. Three days  days ago, I met with him, he introduced me to two sisters to see if they are able to help me to do something in the masjid. I was interested to work as an Islamic teacher or as an assistant. However, the sister who I was interacting with mostly wasn't telling me clear-cut if I am hired and gave me paper works that are meant for a person who is hired. On Thursday, I went back to ask if I am hired and if I'm not hired, why they gave me these paper works? The other sister who is the school principal of this particular branch of our masjid was not being straight with me either. She was telling me that every company in America, they will give these paper works that ask for your income tax, bank information, and etc. However, in America, companies can only hand out these papers to employees who are hired for the job. She also told me that masjids are not a good place to find a job. My question is this, should I inform my Sheikh about this issue?

Obeying one's parents

Q: My mother and other people of my family and village forced me to marry a girl who is not of my choice. I like some one else. I am confused what shall I do. The girl I liked is ready to marry me with my new forceful wife in my life.

1. I want to ask that shall I go ahead and marry the girl of my choice?

2. I dont like my present forceful wife. Shall I divorce her or keep her?

3. The girl I like says she is ready to marry me with this condition but she thinks she will do a crime by this as she has a feeling that my relation with my forceful wife will be affected. I dont like my forceful wife and I dont have any relation with her.  Is the girl I like is right?


Q: I heard some people are fond of circumventing the Kaaba 7 times. I want to know if this is in line with sharia, i.e. circumventing the Kaaba in multiple times as a form of additional ibadat.

Investing with a partner that deals in interest

Q: We live in a non Muslim country. I have a business in which we take a plot, then develop the building and then sell. Usually it is a partnership deal. I do it with my partner who is a non Muslim. For e.g. he invests 50% of money. I invest 50%. The money he invests is of riba (interest). Since he is a non Muslim, his major part of earnings are giving money on interest to people. So he gets 50% of profit of our business, I get 50%. Since in the investment his 50% invested money is of riba, will it be permissible for me to work with him or not?