Playing cricket and earning from it

Q: I have some question related to cricket, professional cricket and earning from it whether it is halaal or haraam.

1. Today, league cricket is going on all over the world, these countries are non-Muslim countries, so sponsors, advertisements, etc. are not according to Islamic Sharia. My question is that these team owners take money from sponsors, advertisements, etc. Is the money they are getting from there forbidden according to Islamic Sharia? All Muslim players are aware of how the money is coming and it is illegal, yet the salaries they are getting or the contract with the team owners is also haraam or not?

2. In Pakistan and India also the team owners get sponsorship from betting companies and with this money they pay the salaries of the players and staff members so as a Muslim we should not play league cricket according to Islamic Sharia? Players who are receiving salaries or contracts with team owners is also forbidden or not?

3.Pakistan and India cricket board receives budget from the government but also contracts with sponsors and advertisements which is forbidden according to Islamic Shariah, with this money they pay the salaries of players and staff, so with this money taking a salary is also forbidden for players or not? ICC (International Cricket Council) also gives money to all cricket boards and since ICC is not following Islamic Shari'ah, so money from ICC is also haraam or not?

4.Under these circumstances, can a Muslim play professional cricket or not?

5. The player proudly says that we are playing for our nation and the fans also support him as a national hero, so what does Islam say about nationalism?

Inheritance of a stepmother

Q: I need some clarification: My father passed away in May. We are 2 siblings, A brother and sister I have a stepmother but she has no children. My daddy's parents are late.

1. My daddy wrote in his will that my stepmother can stay in the house as long as she wants to, and she will be responsible for all maintenance while living there.

My brother and I lives in Gauteng and she lives in the North West.

2. My daddy has a cottage in the yard where he was collecting rental. I also want to know does she get anything from there?

My grandfather and his brothers were in a family business. Now Every month all their kids collect rental from this business. My dad was also receiving. All his brother's has passed away. I want to know if my stepmother also gets anything from this rental or only his children?

The family has properties in India too, where they will be getting some money, does my stepmother get any shares from it or only his children?

3. My main question is does my stepmother inherit anything from the family inheritance such as the rental now that my daddy has passed or does she only inherit from the estate of what was already there when he passed away?

Husband not obliged to pay for his wife's medical bills

Q: I read that it is not an obligation for a husband to pay for his wife's medical bills, and that she must pay for them herself. How can a woman who has not gone to college or worked outside the home due to following Islamic rules get a job that will pay for her medical bill while also being sick? I do not understand how a Muslim women are supposed to cover their own medical expenses when Islam has discouraged them from working their whole lives? 

Becoming a data analyst

Q: I want to become a data analyst, I am choosing a field, I have cherry picked the top most valuable & highest paying field they are:

1. Finance & Banking
2. IT Companies:
3. Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences

Now I wanna choose a highest rewarding field too.

My question: "Narrated by Ibn 'Abbas (radhiyallahu anhuma): The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) cursed the one who consumes riba (usury or interest), the one who gives it, the one who records it, and the two witnesses to the transaction, and he said, 'They are all alike (in sin).'" (Sahih al-Bukhari)

Now if I become a financial data analyst, most probably I may have to record about any such possible riba transactions taken or given by company/banks etc.. Wont I be the sinner

2. Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. does it applicable to my role as Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences data analyst. it may also explore my way to have a Islamic finance field innovation.

3. Data analyst in IT companies play a significant role in developing technology and improving business operations, also it lead to me to gain more salary making me to give charity & other acts.

I would like to have your opinion on the best job role which you think will be with your islamic knowledge.

Authenticity on reading a verse of the Quraan and the Angels wake a person up

Q: What is the reality of this wazeefah? Especially the fact that angels wake a person up?

"I was told a Quranic aayat to recite when you want to wake up for something and by Allah it works!! Every time I've read it I've ALWAYS woken up, whether it be for fajr, work, interview, literally anything you need to wake up for. I recall being told the virtue is that the angels wake you up. I'm not sure how accurate it is according to my memory, but I've never questioned it as I was told by an aalim. But if anyone wants to correct me, please do. This is the aayah: لا يجليها لوقتها إلا هو"

Using antibacterial spray and a cloth to remove impurities from surfaces

Q: I was wondering if it will be permissible to use antibacterial spray such as detol or zaflora to remove najasah on surfaces like doors, door handles and radiators by spraying and then drying with tissue paper.

I also read in a fatwaa that if the spray causes side effects you cannot use it. The sprays I have say they cause eye irritation. Does this mean I can't use it. Can you please respond as I need to know cause it will cause me alot of difficulty cleaning the radiators without spraying them and having to use a wet piece of tissue then a dry one. I also feel if I use a wet cloth I will just spread najasah everywhere.

Meaning of the Hadith "The city of Jerusalem will flourish while the the city of yathrib (Madina) will be in ruins"

Q: In one Hadith it is somehow narrated that the city of Jerusalem will flourish while the the city of yathrib (Madina) will be in ruins. The ruined state of Madina will be when the huge war comes. Please could you explain what the flourishing state of Jerusalem is and ruined state of Madina.