Wind problem

Q: I have digestive problems, one of them problem is if I don't empty my stomach, I get a lot of wind coming out. Now this created difficulty because wind can break the wudu. I was told if it constantly happens, then your wudhu wouldn't break so it that true? My problem is sometimes I get a lot of wind coming out, sometime I don't. I have illness in my stomach so am I excused person when wind breaks out my wudu wouldn't break?

Durood Shareef

Q: Do you recognize this durood shareef "Allahumma salli ala muhammadiw wa ala ali wa barik wa sallim" can I recite it?, I saw it online. What's the benefits for reciting this durood shareef?

Purchasing a house and giving it out on rent


1. Some one is on rent and they are still on rent and he has sold his house for 27 lacs and he has not still enough money to purchase a house in which all family members be settled. And now he is trying to purchase a house in a sense so that he can fulfil his current financial problems (for giving current rent in which they are still living), through rent income. It is permissible in Islam to purchase a house and allow it on rent , the income of this house is use for the rent of a house in which someone is rented.

2. It is permissible in Islam to invest the payment of sold house in a National savings centre in that sense to gain the fixed amount for a month (e.g. 9000) so some one can fulfil his financial problems (for giving current rent in which they are still living).

Exposing one's sins to people

Q: I have a friend who is in a situation, she is getting married in less than a month Insha Allah. She has made many changes in her life as growing up for her was on the jahiliya path with the wrong crowd and being involved in a lot of haraam things. Now she was in a haraam relationship and it was ended many years ago. She had met this guy who now she is engaged to and introduced the parents were now alhumdulilah are getting on and like I said nearly getting married. My friend committed a sin a few months ago and committed zina with her past relationship. She has repented sincerely and has promised herself not to ever let shaitaan win over temptations and commit haraam again. She now isn't sure if she should be honest with her husband to be or to not expose her sins what can she do?

Threatening one's wife with talaaq

Q: Last night I had a fight with my wife and in anger I threatened her that if she countinue the same way then next time I will tell her 3 times talaq talaq talaq. Since my intention was not to give talaq, but unfortunately I said the words 3 times. I want to know whether my marriage is still valid or not. Honestly speaking I tried to threaten her and next time I will tell her. I am regretting on this since I made a big sin. 

Ill treatment from one's father

Q: I need guidance that how I should react when my father hurts me and my mother with his rude words. No doubt he has brought me up, gave me education but nver showed affection to me. I am the only child of my parents but he has never pampered me. I only got love from my mother. Now I am 29 years old women unmarried but engaged. My father has a greed for money. My mother is a patient of multiple problems but he never cares for her, rather makes her feel like she is not so good. My mother is a very kind person but my father never appreciates her nor me. Neither he offers prayers. Now my question is when my father crosses limits fights with me, I control my anger but sometimes I say back to him but logically how should I react with him? When he don't talk to me how I should greet him when he don't see towards me because I fear Allah. Please guide me and ease my pain.

Hair dye

Q: I have heard it's permissible to use black dye, but I have a doubt. Nowadays we can't say what all the ingredients in the packets are. Is all type of dyes allowed?I have heard that our wudhu and bathing won't be correct since its a kind of paint. Often the hair colouring damages our hair. Knowing about such (scientific) damages, does Islam say "no" to use such types of dye.

Doubting one's children

Q: One of my friends has obssesive compulsive disorder. She always doubts things. Now she's doubting if her children are her own children or not because she saw on news that the hospital she delivered her children, they sometimes forget to put the mothers name tag on the child's hand so the child might go to the wrong mother. Thats why she is really worried. What should she do now? 

Fluid coming out after ghusal

Q: I broke my ghusl yesterday and today before performing ghusl, I trimmed my pubic hair by applying shaving gel then fluid started coming out of my private part. I sat on the toilet seat for like 20 minutes squishing my private part to get all the fluid out, but it was continuously coming out. I got under the shower for 5 minutes and again went to the toilet seat to check if it was still coming out, there was a little of it but after squishing it twice, the fluid stopped coming out, I checked twice and there wasn't any fluid. I performed ghusl but I am not sure if that fluid came out during the performance of ghsul or not or afterwards. Do I need to perform ghusl again?

Note: I face a lot of waswasa during ghusl and it takes me about half and hour to perform ghusl! It's really hard for me so I just don't want to do it again!