Does the nikaah break through separation?
Q: If a husband and wife are not talking to each other since two to three years and they don't have any physical relationship, so will the wife automatically be removed from the nikaah?
Q: If a husband and wife are not talking to each other since two to three years and they don't have any physical relationship, so will the wife automatically be removed from the nikaah?
Q: If someone regularly takes baby for massage with the belief that this will help to strengthen and mold the limbs properly also the molding of the baby's head. Is this okay?
Q: My grandson was born on 17/3/2017, Friday 9.49 am. Please suggest a name for him.
Q: Everyday I keep doubting whether my wudu was done correctly or should I repeat my wudu. I suffer from ocd.
Q: I'm married and have two daughters Alhamdulilah! My husband wants me to do nose piercing, because he loves it on my face! Is it halal or haram to do the nose piercing?
Q: Where is lafz-e-kinaya in the Quran? Many scholars say that if a husband says go to hell with the intention of divorce, then will the divorce take place? I mean talaq-e-bain, can you please tell me is there any mention of kinaya words in the Quran?
Q: In a video I have heard a scholar say that if a person, whether a man or a woman, only prays namaaz during Ramadaan but does not pray the rest of the year is a Kafir. Is it true that if a person does not offer namaaz the whole year but only prays during the month of Ramadaan is a Kafir?
Q: What type of clothing is considered Islamic for a woman?
Q: In the case where one’s parents have reached old age and are terminally ill, and the children do not wish to look after their aged parents, what should be done? Can the children leave their aged, sickly parents in an old age home?
Q: If a father is sick and incurs medical expenses, who is responsible to bear these expenses?