Fade haircuts

Q: I've heard people saying that fades are permitted in Islam, and although a persons hair is two lengths, that haircut and style will be permissible. Is this true?

Disbelievers in the time of Nabi Nooh (alaihis salaam) afflicted with a skin disease

Q: I want to know if this is authentic: 

When Nooh (alaihis salaam) was building his ark then the disbelievers came and defecated on the ship. Allah Ta'ala sent a certain skin disease upon these people which they had no cure for. So one disbeliever with the disease slips near the ship and falls into the faeces then realizes he has been cured. All disbelievers then came and cleaned the ship by applying all the faeces to their own bodies.

Producing ads for people

Q: Is it permissible if I start a business doing ads for people? As far as I understand, the ad is digital and does not physically exist. If I stipulate the condition that you are paying for the service of making the ad will it be permissible? 

What is also the ruling regarding buying something, like an ad which is digital, as it doesn't physically exist and qabtha cannot be done?