Reciting masnoon duas at their prescribed times

Q: Do I have to say duas before everything such as before sleeping, before shower, before eating & after eating, before going out & before entering the house, before journey by bus, plane, train, every kind of transportation, before going to the washroom, before wearing clothes, before intercourse, before wedding etc.? 

Will my Salaah not be accepted if I don't do this? 

Keeping a non-mahram as a Facebook friend and conveying salaam to non-mahrams


Can I keep a non mahram as a Facebook friend? If I don't talk with them unnecessarily & don't post any photo of mine? Will it be considered as zina for me? Can I give likes to the posts of non mahrams or will it be considered as zina? 

Can I give salam to my non mahram relatives? Will it be considered as zina?

Revoking the talaaq

Q: If a person asked a mufti that I used the pashto word "zan talaq" to my wife 2 times like to her hands etc. Does divorce confirm by this asking? 

If a husband calls his wife hand as zan talaq, what does it mean while the husband doesn't intend for divorce?

Making taubah for one's past

Q: I have committed a lot of sins to the point where my life is on the line. 

I heard a talk about if someone doesn't have enough good deeds to account for their bad deeds Allah takes it for their state like: making them lonely, taking away their salaah and imaan, etc. I am kinda in that state and I want to repent and make tawbah but I don't know how. 

What dua do I make? Do I pray salaah like normal? Do I read specific durood? Are their specific steps? Do I need to make ghusal? What do I do? 

Please give me a LOT of advice on how to repent and strengthen my imaan (e.g. duas ,extra prayers, etc.)