Explanation of the Hadith “Take advantage of five things before five...”

Q: I need an explanation on the following Hadith on riches before poverty, taking benefit of wealth before you become poor. Does this mean don’t waste? Does this mean to spend on one's family? Does this mean to spend on the poor? On which area is the Hadith emphasizing?

Ibn Abbas (radhiyallhu anhuma) reported: The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alaihi wasallam, said, “Take advantage of five before five: your youth before your old age, your health before your illness, your riches before your poverty, your free time before your work, and your life before your death.”

Playing a game that has shirk in it

Q: Is the one who is playing the following game committing shirk even if he is not pleased with the shirk part of the game and is not doing anything to intentionally make the character in the game to do shirk:

You are playing as a character who sometime says ‘Jesus’ or ‘for christ sake’, but you are not making him directly say it (he says it because of some other actions you did in the game). Also that character respawns after being killed.

Is there a difference if the volume is turned off but the character is still moving his mouth?

Husband cooking for the family

Q: I would like to find out if it's okay for a man to cook for his family ungrudgingly while fulfilling the duties out of the home, out of love for cooking and serving one's spouse in the sense of cooking? Would it be a problem in the long run in the relationship between the spouses?

The wife does clean the house, wash clothes, iron and other household duties but the man likes to cook. Is it against the integrity of being a man and against the sunnat?

How should the Ummah respond to a calamity that strikes?

Q: What is the Islamic viewpoint on earthquakes? What should our attitude be towards the people who have suffered earthquakes? Should we blame the people or should we help them?

There are people who say that we should not help those who have suffered natural disasters because they have committed a sin, that is why they are facing this calamity. Is this a correct opinion?